Ashan (All-Island) and Angelo (Outstation) takes lead on count No.
OBSERVER-MOBITEL AWARDS: Observer/Mobitel Schoolboy Cricketer of the
Year 2012 contest is getting more and more competitive and the deficit
between the contestants is getting smaller and smaller. At the end of
counting on Coupon Number 18, the contests are in a interesting stage in
both the ALL-ISLAND and (OUTSTATION) categories.
The two Thurstanites Ashan Wanigaratne (63,207) and Sajeeva Salgado
(62,899) are going neck and neck with last week’s winner Salgado pushed
to number two and Wanigaratne taking the lead with a slim majority of
308 votes. In the Outstation category too there is a fight between the
Sri Lanka Under 19 vice captain Angelo Jayasinghe of Maris Stella,
Negombo (39,807) and Royal, Panadura’s Kavindu Ashan (39,596) who has
been placed at number two after occupying the top spot last week.