Elephant pregnancy mystery solved
23 June, BBC
The mystery of the elephant's long pregnancy has been unravelled by
scientists.A quirk of biology allows the unborn calf to develop in the
womb for almost two years, giving it the brain power it needs to survive
from birth.The research, detailed in Proceedings of the Royal Society B,
will help elephant breeding programmes in zoos.
It may also lead to the development of a contraceptive to control
wild populations of elephants in Africa.Dr Imke Lueders, of the Liebniz
Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin, Germany, told BBC
News: "It is very important to study the reproduction of elephants."The
increased knowledge that we gained through this research can help in the
future with elephant breeding management because we have an idea of how
the pregnancy is maintained."
Elephants are highly sociable mammals with a high level of
intelligence similar to that of great apes and dolphins.They have the
longest-known gestational period of any animal, lasting up to 680
days.Elephants are born with an advanced level of brain development,
which they use to recognise the complex social structure of the herd and
to feed themselves with their dextrous trunks.Until now, the biological
processes behind the mammal's marathon pregnancy has not been fully
understood.But the advent of advanced ultrasound methods has given
veterinary scientists a new tool to monitor elephant pregnancies in more
detail, as they seek to improve breeding programmes in zoos, including
elephant IVF.
Seventeen African and Asian elephants at zoos in the UK, Canada, US,
Australia and Germany, including ZSL Whipsnade and Twycross Zoo, were
examined in the study.The research, published in the Proceedings of the
Royal Society B , shows the elephant has a unique cycle of ovulation.
Dr Lueders said the extended pregnancy was "due to a novel hormonal
mechanism, which has not been described in any other species of animal".
Ovulation is triggered by two surges of the reproductive hormone LH
(luteinising hormone), while the pregnancy is maintained by hormones
secreted by several ovarian bodies known as corpus lutea.The knowledge
will help conservation efforts to help elephants in the wild, as well as
in zoos.