Etisalat launches Android Village Hubs
Etisalat in partnership with Sarvodaya-Fusion, the ICT arm of the
Sarvodaya Movement, launched the Etisalat Android Village Hub recently.
The program is designed to create information and telecommunication
resource hubs in the villages with the aim of empowering and connecting
communities using Android Technology.
Etisalat will distribute Android Tablets to families in villages
identified by Sarvodaya-Fusion and each family will be trained on how to
use the device, understand and apply the internet to their day-to-day
activities and maximise on Android applications. The Tablets will be
circulated among 20 selected families in each village with each family
receiving the device for a period of two weeks, during which time they
will get an opportunity to experience its benefits.
Project coordinators at Sarvodaya-Fusion will visit families weekly
to assist with knowledge development and device utilisation. The pilot
project of the Etisalat Android Village Hub was launched in the villages
of Bathiyagama in Kantalai and the Niramisiya Sarvodaya Society in