People and animals on earth
There are billions of people living in different corners of the
world. They live on snow and ice of the poles and in the tropical
jungles on the Equator. According to climatic conditions, people have
different living styles. Lands near the North and South Poles are called
the polar regions. Life in the polar regions is very interesting. The
Arctic and Antarctic are extremely cold. Look at the map and see that
the North Pole is surrounded by the Arctic ocean. There is no land here.

It is so cold that the sea is frozen into solid ice. Unlike the North
Pole, the South Pole lies in the middle of a huge land mass, the
continent of Antarctica. The whole of this region except the coastal
areas is frozen into solid ice. The winter in these areas are long and
for many days the sun does not rise at all. In the short summers, there
are days when the sun does not set at all. Imagine what it must be like
to see the sun shining even when it is time to go to sleep.
Wild animals found in the polar regions are those which can withstand
the cold. Among them are the Arctic hare, the fox, the polar bear, the
reindeer and the otter. Some of them live on fish found in the waters of
the Arctic ocean.The penguin is a bird found only in Antarctica. The
arctic tern is a bird which lays eggs in the far North during the brief
Arctic summer. It then migrates to the Antarctica during the northern
winter. In this way it enjoys two seasons.
The people who live in the polar regions are known as Eskimos. They
live in Greenland, Northern Canada and Alaska. Some Eskimos still live
in round domed houses made of ice. These winter homes are called igloos.
The human species is the most numerous and the most powerful of all
the animals on earth. In many ways animals can do certain things better
than human can. Cats can see in the dark, birds can fly thousands of
miles away and return to the same place every year. But humans are
We are the only species that can change the world and we are the only
species that can choose either to look after our world or to destroy it.
Man can conquer anything. He can make the world a good place or bad
place to live in.
Mohamed Sajidh Sahib,
Grade 7A,
Kl/Zahira College,
A dream I had
At about 9 o’clock I went to sleep with a story book. I read the
story for some time. Then I felt sleepy. I kept the book close and
switched the light off. Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep and then I
saw All the Sri Lankans watching me. I was in a dress which is worn by
spacemen. I was so happy. Now the rocket was going to take off. I said
goodbye to all my Sri Lankans. I was now inside the rocket. Then the
rocket went up suddenly. I started flying in the rocket. I was so happy.

A sound was heard, there was an announcement for the driver. It was
about “There is the moon on the left”. The rocket turned to left side
and then it stopped on the moon. The small doors of the rocket were
opened. I got down to the moon. It was floating on the moon. Sometimes I
jumped and moved.
Then I took a telescope and saw where our blue planet, Earth. It was
beautiful. Then I took some sand from the moon. It was red in colour. I
took some into a bag and kept it in the rocket. Then I took our Sri
Lankan flag and kept it near the USA flag. Now there are two flags on
the moon. I saw some water on the moon. I was really happy. I took so
many photographs. I stayed about two to four hours. Then I again came to
the rocket.
Then the rocket started going. I took some biscuits to eat. They too
were floating. I ran after the biscuits. Then I caught them and ate
them. The rocket reached the earth. I got off and saw my Sri Lankan
friends. There were so many people waiting for me. I was happy.
They asked me about my journey. But I couldn’t give any answers. My
mother asked me to get up. I was surprised. I was in bed. Then I
laughed. I think it will take place at some time! I told my family
members and they laughed!
F. Nishra Nasar.
11 (E.M.),
G/Sacred Heart Convent,
Generation gap cannot be bridged
The generation gap is one of those things which cannot be bridged.
This is mainly because lifestyles change as years pass by and each new
generation adapts to a new environment.

One generation is always different from another. The new generations
are better adapted to the new environment than the older generations,
thus making it easier for them to survive. For instance, we as children
or the younger generation, today, have completely different thoughts and
ideas to those of our parents or our grandparents generation. They might
disagree with certain ideas, while we might disagree with some of their
ideas and opinions. Sometimes, our parents do not allow us to do certain
things, no matter how hard we try to persuade them.
What I feel is that our parents have had a better life than us. This
means they have had freedom and their lives were not limited to school,
education and tuition classes. However, what we should understand is
that education is important and it determines our future. Since there is
competition for survival, education is absolutely necessary.
A common example is that our mothers think that learning to cook and
organising housework is an extremely vital part in a girl’s life.
However much this fact might be true, sometimes girls might not feel
that these are important. In the old days, parents did not consider
higher studies or education as being important aspects.
Instead, they considered marriage to be important. This scenario has
changed. Most children consider education, higher studies and obtaining
a good occupation to be important, opinions change from generation to
generation, therefore ‘generation gap’ is one that cannot be bridged.
Madhushi Palliyaguruge,
Grade 10 (Science) B.
Lyceum International School,
A memorable trip to Nuwara Eliya
It was our August holidays. My father and mother planned to take us
to Nuwara Eliya on August 29. My brother and I woke up around 4 a.m. on
that day. By that time my mother had prepared our breakfast and snacks
required for the journey. Catching the beauty of Devon and St. Clair
falls, we reached the Hakgala Botanical gardens. We spent about three
hours there and recorded the beautiful blossoms of flowers in our
we went to the Circuit Bungalow at Pattipola. It is located close to the
Pattipola railway station which is the highest railway station in Sri
Lanka. We were astonished by the beauty of Pattipola. It is very cold
but really calm. We were unable to touch ice cold water and we had to
wear jerseys throughout the whole day.
In the next morning, we went to see the No. 18 railway tunnel at
Pattipola. The tunnel is situated about 3km away from the Pattipola
railway station on Ohiya side. We walked there from the Pattipola
railway station through the thick blanket of fog. We saw a large number
of Maha Rathmal trees on either side of the railway track. These trees
are covered with flowers and increased the beauty of nature. My father
told me that this tree is found only in Sri Lanka and abundant in
Pattipola. On our way towards the tunnel we reached the highest point of
the railway network at 6,226 feet above mean sea level. Passing this
point we reached the tunnel which was built in 1919 and repaired later.
It is the darkest and third longest railway tunnel in Sri Lanka. This is
the 18th that tunnel is quite narrow and the centre is even darker.
There is an Ays Peella (Cool Gutter) near Pattipola railway station.
Then we went to see the Ambewela New Zealand farm. The climate in
Ambewela is ideal for dairy farming and Ambewela is also known as little
New Zealand. Then we went to see a strawberry farm which is located
close to Meepilimana. They have grown strawberries inside green
houses.They said that strawberries must be touched only three times.
That is when plucking, packing and eating. Otherwise, the fruit will be
damaged as it doesn’t have an outer cover (rind).Then we went to see the
Pidurutalagala Mountain. It is 8,282 feet in height. We were enthralled
by the beauty of the surrounding. On our way back to the circuit
bungalow, we spent some time near Lake Gregory.
On the next day we went to see Horton Plains National Park. It is the
only National Park in Sri Lanka where we can walk through. There we saw
a large number of sambhurs. Passing a pool we travelled along the trail
and reached Baker’s Falls. We were amazed by the scenic beauty. Then we
reached the greater World’s End. This cliff is about 870m in height.
Next we reached mini World’s End. It is about 270m in height. I won’t
forget the wonderful atmosphere in Nuwara Eliya. The days we spent on
this misty mountain will be remembered by me for a long time and the
natural beauty hidden inside the thick blanket of fog will be remembered
Nithula Subasinghe,
Grade 6A,
Vidura College,
Space travel
hundreds of years, people dreamed about travelling to outer space. The
invention of huge rockets made travel a reality. An astronaut first went
into space in 1961. Only eight years later astronauts landed on the
Since then people have continued to explore space. The American
astronaut Neil Armstrong, became the first person to set foot on the
moon on July 20, 1969. Armstrong's famous first words on the moon were
“That's one small step for man, One giant leap for mankind.
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were the crew of
Apollo 11. This was the first mission to land on the moon. Altogether,
12 astronauts walked on the moon as part of the Apollo program. They
performed experiments and brought back moon rocks for study. No one else
has ever been to the moon. The development of high powered rockets, such
as this Saturn V rocket were the largest rockets ever built.
Sachini Rakshani
Grade 9 E
Pushpadana Girls' College,
My best friend at school
My best friend is usually my mother, but I have one other best friend
in school. Her name is Prashani Anjalee. She lives in Gampaha. She is my
closest and trustworthy friend at school and the most helpful and good
friend I’ve ever met. She always does everything at school with me.
We have a strong bond which is a combination of true friendship and
love. I feel lonely when she’s not present in school, even though I have
other friends. Prashani always helps me in my studies as well as in
every extra curricular activity.We have a lot of fun in school, while
doing physical training every morning. I can’t ask for anything more
from a friend. I like her honesty, pleasant attitude, kindness and
I am lucky to meet a good friend like her. I love my friend very
Ovini Charithma Weerasinghe |