to compose a good landscape
You can now see how to compose a good landscape picture from almost
any holiday snap or from true life.
Develop the habit of thinking how you want others to see your gem!
Make your drawings easy to look at that's good composition.
The faulty composition in figure 1 doesn't seem too bad at first
glance but look how much better the correct version is in the bottom
A raised river bank now prevents the river running out of the

A large tree on the right balances the small groups on the left.
Eye-level has been brought down to give a greater impression of
Use your freedom.
Be uninhibited about changing what you see into what you want to
Feel free to chop out, pop in, shift, curve, bend, straighten or what
ever. Remember, you are an artist and not a camera.
What is a good composition? The answer is an arrangement that is easy
to look at.
Four composition faults are-Horizon too high, picture divided, no
balance, figures or such things as rivers or lanes moving out of the
Practice makes perfect. |