Sri Lanka - India talks on Kudankulam nuclear plant
India has agreed to enter into a broad dialogue with Sri Lanka on the
safety aspects of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Southern India,
Indian media reported yesterday.
The reports said that the dialogue mechanism between the two nations
for cooperation on nuclear issues will include talks on Kudankulam
safety issues when a Sri Lankan committee visits India later this year.
The talks will focus especially on the safety concerns surrounding the
pressurised water reactors of the nuclear plant.
The safety aspect will be a part of the broader agenda for talks over
cooperation in nuclear energy but we are already telling them that India
will abide by all international conventions over nuclear safety at
Kudankulam, the Times of India quoted an Indian official as saying.
India is party to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (1994), Convention on
Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (1986) and the Convention on
Assistance in the case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency
and is fully aware of, and complies with, its obligations under these
conventions, the Indian High Commission in Colombo said in an earlier
news release.
The Kudankulam nuclear plant is a state-of-the-art plant that is
compliant with the highest safety standards available in the nuclear
industry today.
India assigns utmost attention to nuclear and radiation safety,
including the safety of operating personnel, public as well as the
environment, it said.
The plant is in Tamil Nadus Tirunelveli district, around 250 Kms
from Mannar in Northern Sri Lanka. Many Indian political leaders have
raised concerns over the safety aspects of the nuclear power plant.
Sri Lankan authorities are exploring the possibility of installing
nuclear early warning towers or similar devices along the northwestern
coastal belt and in the North in case of an accidental leak of
radioactive material at nuclear plants in the region.