FUTA should have maintained urgent services - SB
Minister of Higher Education, S.B. Dissanayake said the university
lecturers are acting in a highly irresponsible manner, risking the
future of students, including Advanced Level students who have just sat
for the examination.
"When doctors go on strike, they continue to provide emergency
services such as accident service, ICU and Cardiac Units. Similarly when
electricity engineers and workers strike, they would sill man strategic
locations and distribution points. In contrast, university lecturers on
strike have completely withdrawn without even attending to emergency
duties as marking of Advanced Level answer scripts," he said.
"This is similar to a doctor not putting the finishing touches after
surgery. The lecturers prepared the AL question papers and the students
have answered them. Now lecturers refuse to mark answer scripts, it is
as if a doctor refuses to close up and putt stitches after a surgery. It
is highly irresponsible and unreasonable act.
"The FUTA should have maintained urgent services such as marking of
AL answer scripts even though they are on strike.
They should not play with the lives of youth, especially AL students
who are awaiting results after 12 years of hard work at school,"
Minister Dissanayake said.