Schols for children of migrant workers
by Ananda Kannangara
The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) will offer 2,500
scholarships to children of migrant workers at a ceremony tomorrow at
Temple Trees under the patronage of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
The scholarships, which are named Mahindabimani Scholarships will
coincide with President Mahinda Rajapaksa's first day in office, 2,500
days ago.
The distribution of scholarships to children of migrant workers was
initiated by the Bureau in 1996 with 156 students and over 21,800
students have been awarded scholarships worth over Rs. 418 million.
SLBFE Chairman, Amal Senalankadikara told the Sunday Observer
that under the scholarship scheme students who passed the Grade Five
scholarship examination will receive Rs. 15,000 each while students who
passed the GCE (OL) and (AL) examinations will receive Rs. 20,000 and
Rs. 30,000 each.
The Bureau has also launched a scheme to offer short term vocational
training courses such as Information Technology, English, foreign
languages, motor mechanism and other training courses to children of
migrant workers.
Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare Minister Dilan Perera, MP
Namal Rajapaksa and Ministry Secretary Nissanka Wijeratne will also
attend tomorrow's ceremony.