Suttas relating to the protection of Moon and Sun
By Premasara EPASINGHE
Both Chanda and Suriya Pirith Suttas were uttered by the Buddha – the
Enlightened One, while soujouring at Savatthi, Jetavanarama, built by
Anathapindika, the great benefactor and lay devotee of the Buddha. At
that time, Moon (Chandra) was firmly seized by Rahu. In the same way the
Sun (Suriya) too was grasped by Rahu the Lord of Asuras.
The divine sons Moon and Sun remembering the Blessed One (Buddha),
sought assistance to overcome the state of obstruction both had
experienced. The Chanda paritta – the Protection of the Moon consists of
four stanzas or verses and Suriya paritta has five stanzas.
The additional verse or stanzas in Suriya Piritha reads thus:
Yo Andhakare Tamasi Pabhamkaro
Verolano, Mandali Uggatejo
Ma Rahu Gile Caram Antalikkhe
Pajam Mama Rahu Paminca Suriyanti
(Who, in complete darkness (night) brings
light, in shining, circular of great majesty,
O Rahu, do not swallow the Sun, in the sky, O Rahu release Sun, my son)
Scientific aspects
Let's now analyse the scientific aspects of these two; Moon – natural
satellite of a planet, in particular the natural satellite of the Planet
Earth. Apart from the Sun, it is the brightest object in the sky as seen
from the Earth, being at a mean distance of only 384,000 km (239,000m).
Its diameter is 3476 km (2160 m). As the Moon orbits the Earth, it
goes through a sequence of phases.
The Sun is the centre of our solar system, around which all other
solar system bodies revolve in their orbits. The Sun is a typical
average star.
It consists 70 per cent Hydrogen, by weight, 28 per cent Helium, with
the remainder mostly Oxygen and Carbon. Its temperature, pressure
density increased towards the centre.
In both these two Suttas the opening stanzas are the same
“Namo Te Buddhvira'tthu
Vippamutto'si Sabbadhi
Tassa Me Saranam Bhava” Ji.
(“O Buddha hero, may my worship be to you. You are specially freed
from everything – all the Aggregates (Khadhas etc.).
I have attained a state of obstruction.
Be a Refuse unto myself.)
In the second stanza:
Tathagatam Arahatam
Chandima (Moon) - Suriyo (Sun) Gato
Rahu Candam (Moon) – Suriyam (Sun) Pamuncassu
Buddha Lokanukampaka Tu.
(“To the wayfarer, the worthy one,
Moon – Sun – has gone for Refuge,
O'Rahu, release Moon – Sun,
The Buddhas are compassionate towards the world)
King of Asuras
Then the Rahu – the Lord of Asuras released the Moon – Sun –
hurriedly the King of the Asuras – Vepacitti, Meeting him, agitated with
the hair of the body standing on end – Lomahatthajato – stood on a side.
Vepacitti, spoke to Rahu .
“Why as though agitated, Rahu,
did you release Moon – Sun. Having come here as though stirred,
Why do you stand as though in fear?
In the last stanza Rahu answered thus: in both Canda and Suriya
Parittam – Protection of the Moon and Sun:
Sattadha Me Phale Muddha
Jivanto Na Sukham Labhe
Buddhagathabhigito’ M Hi
No Ce Munceyya Chandimanti / Suriyan’ Ti
The stanza means - “Into seven parts my head will split,
Living, I shall not get any Happiness
I have sung stanzas by the Buddha
That is what will happen to me
If I would not release Moon – Sun.
The vibratory sounds produced by Pirith are soothing to the nerves.
It transmits and produces a state of peace of mind and brings harmony to
the system. Also, the recital of Paritta Suttas results in material
blessings through mental states caused by concentration and confidence
in listening intelligently to the recital.
Pirith Pothvahanse – the Book of Paritta or Protection is a
collection of 23 Suttas or Discourses all delivered by the Blessed One.
The most popular among them are Mangala Sutta (Good Omen Discourse),
Ratana Sutta (The Jewel Discourse), Karaniyametta Sutta (loving
universal kindness).
The other important Suttas are Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta (setting in
motion of the Wheel of Truth) Saccha – Vibhanga (Analysis of Four
Truths) Bojjhangas, the seven factions of Enlightenment.
Pirith Sutra recital is a form of Saccakiriya of depending on the
truth for Protection, justification or Attainment.
In short “The Power of Truth Protects a Follower of the Truth” -
Dhammo Have Rakkhati Dhammacarim is the principle behind these Suttas.