Life begins at 50
Just before 2013 dawned, a friend called to wish
me a happy New Year, and as a parting comment he said, “You know
something - the countdown of my life will start in a few hours.
Tomorrow I’ll be 50”. When I kept silent, he asked me, “It’s just a
number, isn’t it?”
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Rape: A psychological perspective
India’s recent gang-rape tragedy is said to be a
“tipping point” in the battle against sexual violence. The rape of
the girl and the resultant trauma she experienced is not something
new and this is not the first and last of such horrendous events.
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Thorns on the Side
The wireless future
The term ‘wireless’ is familiar to both the old
and new generations. Most elders still refer to the radio as the
‘wireless’, while the younger generation does not even know that a
‘wired’ world existed at all. Their whole lifestyle is ‘wireless’ so
to speak.
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