The true story of people in Kepapilavu
I wish to respond to a recent newspaper article
on the people of Kepapilavu written under a pseudonym, having
visited Mullaitivu as well as spoken to the people of Kepapilavu
last month.
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Adele Balasingham’s war crimes :
Fostering LTTE suicide terrorism
Human Rights Watch (HRW) expressed its
unequivocal view that suicide bombing is a crime against humanity.
HRW also claims that the political elites, commanders, and those
that organise, facilitate, and encourage these suicide attacks are
likewise guilty of conduct that offends against prevailing norms of
international criminal law.
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Media’s role important in combating child abuse - Minister Karaliyadda
Abuse of women is becoming a hot topic in the
media and also among the public as we hear about these incidents
daily. Child Development and Women’s Affairs Minister Tissa
Karaliyadda believes that though there is an increase in such cases,
the blaring publicity given to these incidents have blown this issue
beyond proportion.
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