The beginning of a new digital era
December 31, 2012 will enter history as a day
that changed the world. No, not because the world ‘survived’ a
predicted Mayan apocalypse and lived to see a December 31, but
because a fundamental shift in the way we learn about our world took
place on that day.
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The ‘most wanted man’ becomes an Arahat Bhikkhu
King Pasenadi Kosala had a learned Brahamin
named Bhaggava Gagga as one of his ministers. He was an expert in
astrology, who cast horoscopes and advised the king on good and bad
times. Whenever the king wished to launch an important project or
discuss a personal matter, he consulted astrologer minister to fix
an auspicious time.
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Soot causes twice as much global warming as previously thought
Soot created by the incomplete burning of fossil
fuels and organic matter is the second most important man-made
substance behind global warming and reducing its emission into the
atmosphere could buy valuable time in tackling climate change, a
major study has found.
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