The beginning of a new digital era
By Pramod De Silva
December 31, 2012 will enter history as a day that changed the world.
No, not because the world ‘survived’ a predicted Mayan apocalypse and
lived to see a December 31, but because a fundamental shift in the way
we learn about our world took place on that day.
Digital versions of
newspapers |
Newspapers and magazines are part and parcel of our daily life. We
take them for granted. We eagerly flip through the pages of the morning
newspapers to read the news, laugh at a cartoon, soak in a feature
article and get the scores of last night’s game. It is a tradition that
goes back 300 years or more. From the ‘ugly’ black and white designs of
the early days to the colourful pages of today, newspapers have evolved
to keep pace with the times.
Magazines are an extension of the newspaper, in that they cover a
vast gamut of subjects that no newspaper can cover. News magazines
publish in-depth articles by top writers and journalists that newspapers
might not be able to carry for want of space and/or resources. Today,
there are thousands of magazines at news-stands worldwide, specialising
in everything from angling to zoos. Magazines are generally more
attractive than newspapers and easier to read.
However, print in whatever form is a passive experience. To those who
are increasingly used to the interactive world of the Internet and
smartphone apps, print can be boring and unrewarding. Print publications
were the first to realise this and move on to the Internet with digital
editions. In fact, this newspaper was among the first in Asia to have a
web presence way back in 1995.
Web editions
It was not long before web editions of newspapers and magazines began
incorporating videos, audio snippets, animation, translation tools,
online polls and other multimedia components to give the reader a far
more enriching experience. Read an interview? Just click to listen to
it. Want to know more about the latest cricket match in Australia? Play
a video to see the highlights. Want to rant about something you saw in
the newspaper, but do not have the time to write a letter to the editor
and post it? Just type your thoughts in the comments section, instantly.
Still better, if you want to share your thoughts with an even wider
community, you can do so via Twitter and Facebook, which are embedded in
many websites.
This is nothing short of a revolution. Perhaps only the invention of
the printing press more than 500 years ago could be termed more
revolutionary. Although such interactive websites have been available
for a decade or more, it is the advent of tablet computers, primarily
the Apple iPad, that had tilted the scales in favour of digital.
Newsweek’s last
print issue |
Today’s touchscreen devices including iPad, Kindle Fire HD, Samsung
Tab and Blackberry Playbook are perfect for reading newspapers and
magazines. You can flip through the pages and actually interact with the
digital magazine or newspaper – no print newspaper or magazine can ever
have video, audio or animation after all.
Rising costs
Another factor is that paper and printing costs are going up and the
advertising ratio of print is decreasing in the face of tough
competition from electronic media. We must also not forget the
environmental factor – a large number of trees is felled each year to
produce newsprint and other types of paper. Imagine the benefits to the
environment if most of the world’s magazines and newspapers take the
digital only route.
When Newsweek, one of the two most widely respected global news
magazines (the other being Time) published its last print issue on
December 31, after 80 years of a print run, many observers were quick to
point out that print was dying. (Only time will tell when the other one
is going to throw in the towel).
The publishing industry is entering a new era when print is literally
out of print and digital is in. While Newsweek was one of the most
well-known publications to go entirely digital, over the past two years,
a number of leading newspapers and magazines have either gone entirely
digital (based on digital edition subscription/paywall models) or
downsized their print runs. Newsweek’s last print issue thus signifies
the end of an era and the beginning of another.
Newsweek has already given a glimpse of the potential of the
all-digital future with its very first digital-only issue. It featured a
stunning animated “cover page” (sorry, these print terms are never going
to fade away) on marine exploration. The animated cover is the work of
Hawaii photographer Hugh Gentry, who shot high-resolution footage 120
feet below sea level near the coast of Oahu. His video of the deep
diving submersible Pisces IV was split into stills, which were then
assembled for Newsweek’s latest cover.
The animation may last only four seconds, but the effects of this
shift are going to last much longer. If you have an iPad or similar
device, it will be a totally immersive experience. Digital also has the
24/7 advantage, whereas for a weekly print magazine, one has to wait a
week to see any updates.
World without print
News week’s first
issue |
A flexble digital
newspaper |
Even though magazines and newspapers are increasingly going
paperless, can we ever imagine a world without print, which has been
around for centuries? We have been talking about a paperless office for
at least two decades, but nothing of the sort seems to be happening,
given the high demand for office printers. However, the advent of email,
Skype, Instant Messaging and Chat has actually reduced the demand for
paper - if you have an office meeting, sending an email or text is far
better than sending paper notes around.
There is a perceptible shift towards digital platforms. Amazon, the
world’s biggest bookseller, now sells more e-books than print books
through its Kindle platform. Although there is only a minimal difference
in prices of print and digital versions in most cases, the digital
version is delivered instantly and there are no shipping or packaging
costs involved. That in itself is a major saving in terms of the
environment, in addition to saving trees. Besides, consumers need
instant gratification - who wants to wait for several days for a book to
be delivered?
However, this does not mean that books, magazines and newspapers are
going to die - they are evolving with the times. They will survive,
perhaps not as we know them. Flexible displays are already here - it is
only a matter of time before they become commercially available. A
future newspaper could be a full-colour flexible display with moving
pictures, animations, audio clips updated ‘on the run’ as seen in the
movie Minority Report.
E-ink, the most paper-like display at present, is close to perfecting
a colour display. Advertising too will benefit from these changes. All
these developments make one thing clear - the delivery platform may be
different, but quality journalism and writing will always thrive. |