An Asian girl and Adolf Hitler
Born in the late 1930s, the Asian girl's circle of social awareness
began to concretise only in the early '40s. Child psychologists using
long laborious terms find the topic of this widening of a child's social
circle very palatable. They will with pedantic vanity stress of the
The format of the Asian girl's social awareness was very peculiar.
Sorry. I should have explained the genesis of the term. "The Asian
Girl". It was very illogical term for almost all the girls around her
were Asians. Even the structure of her class was 99 percent Asian
oriented with only about two Euro Asians dames thrown in. The baptism
was orchestrated at a long forgotten incident that nobody bothered to
dig into, neighter in the family circle nor in the classroom.
If a census was taken the family comprised 12 in all, with domestic
aids thrown in. So, the degree of attention meted to each individual was
very meagre. The Asian girl headed the brood of children running loose
here and there on hill tops and river basins and desert stretches.
The head of the family was leading them on across a little bit of
Asia. Was he going in search of milk and honey as an ancient tribe
emerging from the Nile valley did?
No. He cared the least for such commodities and was only propelled by
a sense of adventure, pregnant with the fetish to boast "that in such
and such a year, I was in.... Can you believe, it was red all around".
Actually, the Asian Girl felt that his truthful father lied at times
just to add colour to his narratives and hear those Ahs and Ooohs.
"Red? We have never seen a red part of this island", someone would
say. The Asian Girl, rather ignored by others, watched it all and
observed much including the fact that those who happened to be bracketed
in the fraternity underwent much neglect. Even their very dates of birth
were forgotten. One Saturday a census taker walked in and sat.
Adolph Hitler |
"Loku Sir, we want the names and dates of birth of all your children.
It is for the great census".
"Huh Huh I can give mine. And the Loku Nona there can give hers. But
I just have no idea of the details regarding the children".
"They do not have certificates? "exclaims the officer horrified while
the Loku Nona intervenes to inform that we have these strange documents
that might take days to find.
"Seven, mind you and one already dead", she adds.
Then she gets into one of her boisterous fits, which is a
psychological chute to ventilate all her frustrations.
"Census Nona, ask Loku Sir, the date of birth of Adolf Hitler and he
would answer patas and give you a hundred more details."
"Good heavens and who is that? Never heard of him".
"You don't know him and you such an important officer. He is turning
the world upside down. Everybody is now placing bets as to who would
win, Whether it is Churchill or Adolf Hitler," bursts out the big
Birth certificates
"See you later, Loku Sir and look for those birth certificates. When
the children grow up they will need them". So, walks out the befuddled
census Nona.
Sure enough Loku Sir brought in seven files next day of different
colours. The names were written on each file and in the midst of much
hullabaloo and grand parental fights, the birth certificates were hunted
and inserted.
There was even a file allotted for the dead child on which was
written. "Yasoma.... born 1941, dead 1943 as the Allies air planes flew
over Hatara Korale". There was an addition, "A few months later I got a
transfer to the Red Town.
"That erased somewhat the sad memories of a dead child, a sacrifice
to the anopheles mosquito menace.
The Asian girl who had never experienced a show of open affection
from her stern father felt that once dead, you can gain that affection.
A bout of measles attacked the Asian Girl's family and things turned
topsy turvy. Loku Sir's preoccupation with the Second World War and the
careers of the two war leaders brandishing their swords 1000s of miles
away became an armour for him to get away from all that household misery
and the hours he spent reading the newspapers grew longer and the
morning assembly speeches too longer.
He knew exactly where the Allies Defence Forces were stationed and
who was ambushed the previous night. The latest war strategies of the
Axis party he knew by heart.
At one juncture the Nazis were winning and Loku Sir was in the depths
of despair. Then the census officer informed that she was coming for a
second survey. Orders were given to find the files. But this time the
file covers were there and not the contents. The house was almost on
Then the ever duty conscious Bala Menike rememebred a phase of the
war. Hitler and Churchil were in a bad spot and the boys, the Baby
Mahaththayas had made air planes out of the certificates and were
throwing them at each other.
Finally, she rescued them and put them in her Trunka Pettiya, Loku
Sir laughed and laughed as she brought out the documents not so much
happy for their retrieval, but that this lass from Padiyapelella was
aware of the names of the two leaders so correctly.
"What nonsense, said the Asian Girls mother in a fit of jealously,
"she mispronounced both names". "Where were you when the children were
engrossed in the war?" he asked his lady. Back came the reply, "I was in
Poland where the Nazi movement was formed". She who had been only on
Dambadiva trips answered without batting an eye lid. So everybody in the
family had been following the War.
When the war was finally won a large flag was hoisted in the
playground transforming the Mathurata sky line. Loku Sir sent a telegram
to King George the sixth as follows, "Your Majesty. Congratulations on
winning the war". But Loku Sir never even got an acknowledgement.
The Asiatic girl, his daughter kept up track record of Adolf Hitler
to commemorate her father that she dearly loved despite all his
He admired the guts of both parties and was even ready to join the
Allies if summoned.
The ethnic factor was of zero value in the context of universal
politics. The Asian Girl now in her 70s still reads titbits on the war
The latest she read carries this bit of info, "Nazi was an insulting
term. The opponents of Hitler's party seized on their official title
nationalsocialistsche deutchearbeiterpartal and coined the world Nazi!