Errant traders - CAA nets over Rs 300m in fines
Co-operatives and Internal Trade Minister Johnston
Fernando said the Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) has earned over
Rs.300 million on 120,000 raids against errant traders within three
years. The Minister said when he assumed office in 2010, the highest
number of raids conducted by the CAA was 4,000 a year. However, the CAA
had conducted 120,000 raids within three years following the targets
given by the Minister.
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UPFA, the biggest political common front since Independence -
Minister Johnston Fernando
Co-operatives and Internal Trade Minister Johnston
Fernando took on the rough and tumble of politics during the prime of
his youth. Honest and forthright, he wouldn’t easily give in to his
rival in political debates. As Minister in charge of Co-operatives and
Internal Trade,
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Promoting agricultural, fisheries sectors in EP, a top priority -
Minister Basheer Segu Dawood
The recently appointed Minister of Productivity
Promotion Basheer Segu Dawood, who is also chairman of the Sri Lanka
Muslim Congress (SLMC), told the Sunday Observer in an interview that he
would work towards promoting the agricultural and fisheries sectors,
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