Caltex achieves milestone with 11 years of safety excellence
Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC has achieved eleven consecutive years of
incident-free operations in Sri Lanka.
This record counts the safety and well-being of its employees across
the entire business operation in the country, which includes the
regional warehouses and over 100 direct and indirect plant employees. At
Chevron Lubricants, safety is the first priority and is a key focus area
under the company's Enterprise Execution Strategy.
“Our employees are trained to conduct their daily tasks including
routine ones with the ‘zero incidents’ goal in mind, and avoid risks
that can lead to a negative or unsafe outcome,” said Managing Director
and CEO, Chevron Lubricants Lanka, Kishu Gomes.
“As a practice, we provide all our employees the knowledge, tools and
resources to perform daily tasks with a sense of responsibly and
accountability. We find that by inculcating this ‘zero incidents’ work
ethic, it saves time and expenditure which otherwise would be dispensed
to mitigate the damage, injuries and eventual business loss that would
be incurred by the company,” he said.
The company provides all its employees with world-class systems and
tools to help each individual meet the benchmark for safety excellence.
For example, Chevron's Loss Prevention Observation (LPO) tool is
designed to remind and reinforce the importance of safety compliance for
each employee. It also provides a comprehensive assessment with a
feedback mechanism on the level of compliance observed by each employee
during each task performed.
The safety benchmark is monitored by Chevron's Global division which
acts as a catalyst for all Chevron subsidiaries operating across the
Pre-planning task safety assessment on all work, thorough briefing of
all staff on safety regulations and hazards; provision of all required
personal protection equipment for each task; continuous training to
ensure an incident and injury free workplace, good housekeeping and
emergency action plans are some of the initiatives that are administered
as part of the safety program.
"At Chevron, safety is the epitome of the way the company conducts
its business. It advocates and administers safety as a vital work ethic
and provides a safe work environment for its employees," Kishu Gomes