The unforgettable story of Sinhala pop

Rajiv Sebastian
Leading names in the Sinhala pop music scene will come together on
stage to express in song the unforgettable story of Sinhala pop.
Produced by the deep voice Rajiv Sebastian this spectacular concert will
reach out to you on March 31 at the Rajapaksa Nelum Pokuna.
Billed to perform along with Rajiv are Annesley Malawana, The Prince
of Sinhala Pop, Indrani Perera the nightingale of the ‘70s, the dynamic
Anil Bhareti, the glamorous Syami Fonseka, the one and only Kandy
Lamissi Mariazelle Goonetilleke and the Tamil Pop Chakarawarthy A.E.
Manoharan. Also on board will be the teenage heart throb of the ’80s
Priya Sooriyasena, the back to back Presidential Award winner T.M.
Not to be left out in this unforgettable story will be the King of
Kaffirinya from Moratuwa Nihal Nelson, playback songstress of the silver
screen Latha Walpola, the melodious Neela Wickremasinghe, the
Presidential Award winner Damayanthi Jayasuriya and the versatile
Jackson Anthony from the silver and mini screen.
The story board for the evening will be unfolded by Vijaya Corea with
the hidden tales of the Moonstones, Golden Chimes and the Super Golden
Chimes beginning from Ruwanpura to Kataragama and there onwards the
milestones achieved in the film and teledrama industry. Rajiv and his
band will be responsible for the music for the evening which will
reflect the original flavour of Sinhala pop created in the ’70s.