Binara Full Moon Poya Day on Thursday:
Developing an insight to see life in its true perspective
Buddhism deals with the problem of impermanence
of life in a very rational manner. Impermanence was the Buddha’s
first teaching and also His last. The first thing He taught His Five
Disciples was impermanence, the fact that everything is changing
from moment to moment and nothing remains stable.
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The lonely crowd
Can one feel lonely when surrounded by friends,
relatives or well-wishers? According to sociologists the answer is
in the affirmative. If you think over it rationally, you will
realise that almost all of us feel lonely at times apparently for no
reason. Sociologists and psychologists have probed the causes of
loneliness and ways to get over it.
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The origin of civilisation in China and America
The Shang dynasty was over thrown by the rival
Zhou whose influence continued to spread far into Southern China.
Even though the Zhou consisted of multiple states, the period of
their rule was marked with varied major innovations. Every thing
happened as Zhou states constantly battled with one another.
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