CHOGM 2013 in Sri Lanka :
Understanding Commonwealth philosophy
by M.H.M.N. Bandara
I am certain that most news-hungry people in this country, especially
the younger generation, are keen to gather whatever possible information
on the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) and its
affiliated bodies in view of the forthcoming CHOGM scheduled to be held
in November 2013. Hence I wish to describe briefly the significance of
the role played by the Commonwealth and its affiliated bodies in the
philosophy of the Commonwealth.
The forthcoming CHOGM is said to be the biggest such event to be held
in Sri Lanka after the Non-Aligned Conference in 1976. Such statements
cannot be challenged.
However, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) cannot be compared to the
CHOGM. The NAM came into existence as a result of the then ongoing Cold
War between the two world powers, the United States of America and the
Soviet Union and the countries respectively aligned to the two world

CHOGM Summit in Perth, Australia |
The Non-Aligned Movement was not established as a formal
organisation, but became the name to refer to the participants of the
Conference of Heads of State or Head of Government of Non-Aligned
Countries first held in 1961. Former Indian Prime Minister the late Sri
Jawharalal Nehru played a prominent role in the NAM. The NAM has a
political flavour and has no headquarters of its own.
The Commonwealth is not a political movement. It is an association of
54 independent countries, almost all of which were former British
Colonies. The Commonwealth concept can be considered as more important
to the member nations than the NAM.
The Commonwealth is an association of sovereign nations which support
one another and work together towards international goals. It is also a
family of peoples. With their common heritage in
language, culture, law, education and democratic traditions,among
other things, Commonwealth countries are able to work together in an
atmosphere of greater trust and understanding than what generally
prevails among nations.
The Commonwealth is often described as a ‘family’ of nations and
People. The sense of family is most apparent in the wide network of
societies, institutions, associations, organisations, funds and
charities which support the Commonwealth.
This network links people of different nations, cultures, faces and
economic levels, enabling engineers of nurses from different societies
to explore and learn from their different yet related experience.
The Commonwealth Secretariat or the main head-quarters is located in
London while the various affiliated professional institutions are
located in London as well as other major capitals of Commonwealth
The following 83 affiliated organisations are functioning with the
professional entities and corporative bodies to improve knowledge and
capacity building process.
* Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Records Managers (ACARM)
established in 1984 and located in London
* Association of Commonwealth Amnesty International section (ACAIS)
established 2001, located in New Zealand
* Association of Commonwealth Examination and Accreditation Bodies
(ACEAB) established in 1996 and located in Cambridge UK
* Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
(ACLALS) established in 1964 and located in Hyderabad, India
* Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) established in 1913
and located in London
* British Empire and Commonwealth Museum, Commonwealth Association of
Architects (CAA) established in 1989 and located in London. Bristol UK.
* Commonwealth Association of Indigenous Peoples (CAIP) Established
in 1999 and located in Queensland, Australia
* Commonwealth Association for Mental Handicap and Developmental
Disabilities (CAMHADD) established in 1983 and located in Sheffield, UK
* Commonwealth Association of Museums, established in 1974 and
Located in Calgary, Canada
* Commonwealth Association for Paediatric Gastroenterology and
Nutrition (CAPGAN) established in 1994 and located in Oxford, UK
* Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) established in 1973 and
located in London
* Commonwealth Association of Professional Centres, established in
1996 and located in New South Wales, Australia
* Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management
(CAPAM) established in 1994 and located in Toronto, Canada
* Commonwealth Association of Public Sector Lawyers, established in
1996 and located in New South Wales, Australia
* Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics
Educators (CASTME) established in 1974 and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE)
established in 1969 and located in Bristol, UK
* Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA) established
in 1978 and located in London
* Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) established in 1945 and
located in London
* Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) established in 1997 and located
in London, UK
* Commonwealth Centre for Electronic Governance (CCEG) established in
2000 and located in Ontario, Canada
* Commonwealth Consortium for Education (CCfE) established in 1997
and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and
Management (CCEAM) established in 1970 and located in Auckland, New
* Commonwealth Countries’ League (CCL) established in 1925 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Countries’ League Education Fund, established in 1967
and located in Kent, UK
* Commonwealth Dental Association (CDA) established in 1991 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Education Trust, established in 1883 and located in
London, UK
* Commonwealth Engineers Council (CEC) established in 1946 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Forestry Association (CFA) established in 1921 and
located in Oxfordshire, UK
* Commonwealth Forum for Project Management (CFPM) established in
1997 and located in Monmouth, UK
* Commonwealth Foundation established in 1966 and located in London,
* Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) established in 1978 and located
in London, UK
* Commonwealth Geographical Bureau (CGB) established in 1968 and
Located in Rondebosch, South Africa
* Commonwealth Group of Family Planning Associations, established in
1952 and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Hansard Editors Association, established in 1984 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Historians Society, established in 1989 and located in
New Delhi, India
* Commonwealth Human Ecology Council (CHEC) established in 1969 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), established in 1987
and located in New Delhi, India
* Commonwealth Institute, established in 1888 and located in London,
* Commonwealth Jewish Council and Trust, established in 1982 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Journalists Association (CJA) established in 1978 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute (CJEI) established in
1998 and located in Nova Scotia, Canada
* Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA) established in 1983 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth of Learning (COL) established in 1987 and located in
Vancouver, Canada
* Commonwealth Legal Advisory Service (CLAS) established in 1962 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA) established in 1971
and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Library Association (COMLA) established in 1972 and
located in Kingston, Jamaica
* Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) established in 1995 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association (CMJA)
established in 1970 and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Media Development Fund (CMDF) established in 1979 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Medical Association (CMA) established in 1962 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Medical Trust (Commit) established in 1995 and located
in London, UK
* Commonwealth Network of Information Technology for Development
(COMNET-IT) established in 1995 and located in Bajda, Malta
* Commonwealth Nurses Federation established in 1972 and located in
London, UK
* Commonwealth Organization for Social Work (COSW) established in
1911 and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) established in 1983
and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management (CPTM)
established in 1995 and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association (CPA) established in 1970
and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit (CPSU) established in 1999 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Press Union (CPU) established in 1950 and located in
London, UK
* Commonwealth Relations Trust established in 1937 and located in
London, UK
* Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) established in
1959 and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO) established in
1967 and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Universities Study Abroad Consortium (CUSAC)
established in 1963 and located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Veterinary Association (CVA) established in 1967 and
located in Bangalore, India
* Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) established in 1917 and
located in London, UK
* Commonwealth Women's Network (CWN) established in 1991 and located
in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
* Commonwealth Youth Exchange Council (CYEC) established in 1970 and
located in London, UK
* Conference of Commonwealth Auditors-General, established in 1951
and located in Putrajaya, Malaysia
* Conference of Commonwealth Meteorologists (CCM) established in 2003
and located in London, UK
* Council for Education in the Commonwealth (CEC) established in 1959
and located in London, UK
* English-Speaking Union (ESU) established in 1918 and located in
London, UK.
* Institute of Commonwealth Studies (ICS) established in 1949 and
located in London, UK
* League for the Exchange of Commonwealth Teachers (LECT) established
in 2007 and located in London, UK
* Organization of Commonwealth United Nations Associations (OCUNA)
established in 1980 and located in London, UK
* The Round Table: Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs
(CJIA) established in 1910 and located in London, UK
* Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth (RASC) established
in 1957 and located in London, UK
* Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League (RCEL) established in 1921
and located in London, UK
* Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) established in 1968 and located in
London, UK
* Royal Over-Seas League (ROSL) established in 1910 and located in
London, UK
* Sight Savers International (RCSB) established in 1950 and located
in London, UK
* So optimist International Commonwealth Group (SICG) established in
1998 and located in London, UK
* Sound Seekers (Commonwealth Society for the Deaf)) established in
1959 and located in London, UK
* Victoria League for Commonwealth Friendship (VLCF) established in
1901 and located in London, UK
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) was founded in 1911
as the Empire Parliamentary Association. Evolving with the Commonwealth,
the CPA adopted its present name in 1948. The Association is composed of
branches formed in legislatures in Commonwealth countries, which
subscribe to parliamentary democracy. Currently, the Association's
parliamentary members of national, State, provincial and territorial
parliaments stand at 164.
The Parliament of Sri Lanka has a branch of CPA, comprising all party
representations. The CPA mission is to promote knowledge and
understanding about parliamentary democracy with particular reference to
Commonwealth countries, and further co-operation and consultation
between Commonwealth parliaments. The CPA achieves its mission through
the following activities: Conferences, seminars, workshops and training
events, publications, providing information and Parliamentary visits.
The President of Sri Lankan Mahinda Rajapaksa officially inaugurated
the 58th Parliamentary Conference (CPA) - Annual Conference - in Colombo
on September 11, 2012. The Conference was held during the period
September 7-15, 2012 with the participation of 800 Members of
Parliaments including speakers representing 179 regions of 54
Commonwealth countries. The Sri Lankan Government had hosted the Annual
CPA Conference in Colombo twice before, in 1974 and 1995.
Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
The Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
(ACLALS) was established to promote and coordinate Commonwealth
Literature Studies, organise seminars and workshops, arrange lectures by
writers and scholars, publish a newsletter about activities in the field
of Commonwealth literature and hold a conference triennially. The last
conference took place in St. Lucia, West Indies from August 5-9.
The Sri Lankan Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language
Studies (SLACLALS) is headed by Prof. Ashley Halpe. The Sri Lanka
Association for Commonwealth Literature and ACLALS were started in 1964
with a conference at the University of Leeds and was officially
accredited to the Commonwealth in 2005.
The Sri Lanka branch of ACLALS, SLACLALS was created in the late
1970s under the guidance of Ashley Halpe who was Professor in English at
the University of Ceylon at the time. The aims of SLACLALS are to
encourage the study of and research into Commonwealth Literature and
language with special reference to Sri Lanka and to support creative
writing in English. SLACLALS had held several conferences and seminars
over the years in Peradeniya, Colombo, Kandy and Sabaragamuwa.
The Association of Commonwealth Universities
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)is governed by its
member institutions through an elected council. As the ACU is a
UK-registered charity, Council members also act as its trustees. The ACU
Council comprises up to 23 members: 20 elected Council members, up to
two co-opted Council members and, if the Honorary Treasurer is co-opted
rather than elected, the Honorary Treasurer.
Commonwealth Association of Architects
The Commonwealth Association of Architects [CAA] is a membership
organisation for professional bodies representing architects in
Commonwealth countries. Formed in 1965 to promote co-operation for ‘the
advancement of architecture in the Commonwealth’ and particularly to
share and increase architectural knowledge, it currently has 34 members.
Commonwealth Broadcasting Association
The Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) is a representative
body for public service broadcasters throughout the Commonwealth,
founded in 1945. A not-for-profit non-government organisation, the CBA
is funded by subscriptions from 102 members and affiliates from 53
The stated goal of the CBA is to promote best practices in public
service broadcasting and to foster freedom of expression. It also serves
to provide support and assistance to its members through training,
bursaries, consultancies, networking opportunities and materials for
broadcast. Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation and the Capital Maharaja
Organization Limited are Sri Lankan members.
Commonwealth Business Council
The Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) is an institution of the
Commonwealth family that aims to use the global network of the
Commonwealth of Nations more effectively for the promotion of global
trade and investment for shared prosperity. It was formed at the
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in CHOGM 1997, in Edinburgh,
United Kingdom.
Commonwealth Dental Association
The Sri Lankan Dental Association bears the membership of the
Commonwealth Dental Association (CDA). The CDA represents over half a
million dentists who practice in Commonwealth countries across the
The Association aims to improve dental and oral health in the
Commonwealth. It aims to develop and promote strategies to improve oral
health care; to encourage the training of appropriate personnel, to
serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas, professional information and
the emerging concept of oral health; to address problems of professional
isolation in the non-industrialised Commonwealth countries and to
stimulate continuing professional education.
CHOGM under Lankan Chairmanship 2013-2015
With the hosting of the CHOGM in Sri Lanka in November, the President
of Sri Lanka will assume the role of its Chairmanship for the period
2013 to 2015 commencing in November. Therefore, the Government of Sri
Lanka should strive to steer the Commonwealth programs clear of any
foreseeable difficulties and or impediments. For that purpose, it is my
belief that the Sri Lankan government should prepare a master plan for
the implementation of Commonwealth programs during the next two years.
I. Commonwealth Association of Youth Parliamentarians
II. Commonwealth Association of Professional Youth Workers (for which
a proposal has already been submitted to the CYPt by Brian Belton).
III. Commonwealth Institute of Gem and Jewellery.
The writer is Director (Middle East) of the Ministry of External
Affairs. |