Why the huge interest in Lanka's internal affairs?
by K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga
It seems that the UN Human Rights Council or certain Western
countries have no other work than showing an extraordinary interest on
internal affairs of Sri Lanka.

Onions farmers in the North reaping the benefits of peace
Pix: Thushara Fernando |
We wonder whether certain Western Colombo-based diplomats who had
been residing in Jaffna during the Northern Provincial Council election,
show similar interest on elections in their own countries.
There is no other business for certain Western embassies and High
Commissions in Colombo than issuing a plethora of statements before,
during and after the elections. They even pontificate the Government on
how it should work with the Northern Provincial Council.
What perturbs us the most is this extraordinary interest shown by
certain ‘big’ and powerful Western countries on a small Indian Ocean
island such as Sri Lanka which his hardly visible in the atlas.
True human rights
Every time the UNHRC meets in Geneva twice a year, there isn’t a
single session which Sri Lanka doesn’t come into sharp focus. The prime
job of work Navi Pillay has been entrusted with seems to be poking into
Sri Lanka’s internal affairs rather than addressing true human rights
violations in the world.
While turning a blind eye to US drone attacks in Pakistan which has
now become a regular occurrence, Pillay has nothing but to dig on Sri
Lanka’s old wounds. Where was Pillay when the LTTE terrorism was at its
best and lives of over 21 million people were in danger?
On the other hand, Pillay has no right to threaten Sri Lanka with
deadlines and warn of international action. First and foremost, Pillay
has no moral right to be part of any investigation or make statement on
Sri Lanka’s humanitarian operation because of her Indian origin. It is
definitely a conflict of interest and she should prove her transparency
by refraining from taking part in any matters pertaining to Sri Lanka’s
battle against LTTE terror.
In the guise of security, the US and its NATO allies have committed
enough and more human rights violations in countries such as Iraq,
Afghanistan and Pakistan. They cannot have their own way when the UN
Security Council is there to handle matters relating to world security.
If not, the UN Security Council would become a toothless tiger.
International security
President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s fearless address to the UN Security
Council last Tuesday has been commended by many around the world. He
voiced concern over the growing trend of international interference in
the internal affairs of developing countries in the guise of concern for
security and human rights.

Major General Janaka Perera with two senior miniltary officers
during operations against the LTTE. |
The President has quite rightly told world leaders the time is now
opportune to evaluate whether turbulent movements for political change
had led to greater stability in such countries or had produced the
opposite result.
As the President has declared, the world needs no policing by a few
countries, particularly when the United Nations is mandated to ensure
international security through multilateral engagement. Such engagement
must extend to protecting humanity against nuclear and chemical weapons.
Hence, it is disturbing to see the growing trend in the international
arena, of interference by some, in the internal matters of developing
countries, in the guise of security, and guardians of human rights. As a
result, we continue to experience agitations the world over, leading to
violence and forcing political change accompanied by turmoil.
But the LTTE cohorts, with the help of top international officials
who show extraordinary affection towards Tiger terrorists killed in
action, could no longer mislead the member countries of the UNHRC. The
controversial statement made by UN Rights chief Pillay on Sri Lanka’s
human rights issues at the UNHRC last Thursday has been opposed by
several member states, including Russia.
Several countries, including Pakistan, Russian Federation, Cuba,
Bolivia, Venezuela and Belarus have severely criticised Pillay’s
remarks. Many Asian, African and Latin American countries have commended
the progress achieved by the Government after the terrorism was
It is good to see several Western countries too joining the Asian,
African and Latin American countries in welcoming the recent elections
held in three provinces including in the Northern Province.
They have commended the Government for the cooperation extended as
well as the unfettered access provided during the visit of Pillay to Sri
Lanka in August.
While strongly rejecting the update of Pillay as the outcome of a
politicised mandate, Belarus called on the co-sponsors of the resolution
on Sri Lanka to reassess their position and work in cooperation and
genuine dialogue with Sri Lanka. At a time the majority of UNHRC members
have expressed confidence in Sri Lanka, Pillay cannot unilaterally put
her agenda in motion.
The TNA’s victory in the North will lead to strengthen reconciliation
in Sri Lanka. The NPC election was a turning point for the country not
only for the Northern Province itself.
The West need not tell Sri Lanka how its Government should work with
Provincial Council administrations. Since the Provincial Council Act was
introduced in 1987, Sri Lanka has enough and more experience on the
system and we don’t need expertise from the West on how the Government
should work with a provincial administration.
Moreover, holding an election to provide the people in the North, who
were under terrorist control for three decades, the right to elect their
own administration is a victory for the Government led by President
The latest round of PC elections was a unique event that strengthened
Sri Lanka’s political democracy. The political parties in the North that
were under terrorist control for so long. These parties were brought
under a one umbrella by Prabhakaran’s iron first and ever since, the TNA
had been remote-controlled by the LTTE leader from his Wanni jungle
It is not only the people in the North but the political parties too
are now enjoying freedom and happiness thanks to the thousands of youth
in the Security Forces who sacrificed their lives to obtain that
freedom. These heroes should be remembered at this moment for
establishing a lasting peace in the country and the reinstating of
democracy in the North with the establishment of the NPC. The results of
the recent PC polls clearly show that people are well aware of the
Mahinda Chintana Policy and the government’s development drive.
All parties to shed narrow extremist ideas and take collective
efforts to steer the country towards prosperity in the face of the
challenges the country faces.
Unitary status
The new Chief Minister-elect of the North, C.V. Wigneshwaran should
make the best use of the TNA’s victory for the people in the province.
He should now play the role of a cry baby, running to India and the
international community by the hall of a hat. Being a retired Supreme
Court judge, he is acutely aware of the law of the land and the unitary
status of the country stated in the Constitution.
Hence, he should not demand anything that is not in the Construction
and should respect the law of the land at all times. First and foremost,
he should work for the prime needs of the people in the North. Though
the LTTE cohorts in the West and Colombo-based TNA leaders day dream of
police and land powers, the true aspirations of the Tamils in the North
are different.
Wigneshwaran should not mix his priorities and should have a closer
look at the genuine grievances of the people in the North.
But one wonders how better an upper class Tamil living in Colombo 7
could read the pulse of the ordinary Tamils in the North. When there
people had been subjected to untold misery as the LTTE held them as a
human shield, post Colombo based Tamils had a luxurious life.
Crocodile tears
The bitterness of LTTE terrorism is only known to the people who had
suffered the most – the people in the North. They only yarned for a
peaceful atmosphere for them to live in perfect peace and harmony and
not police or land powers or a separate state. In fact, when the LTTE
terrorism was at its peak, these people didn’t have any state to live
but suffer in the no man’s land. The LTTE always used them as a human
Now that these people have been liberated from the clutches of LTTE
terror, there are enough and more pundits to advice us and to shed
buckets of crocodile tears on the Tamils in the North.
But as President Rajapaksa had stated time and again, foreigners
could not have a greater concern about our people than the leaders of
Sri Lanka.
People in the North are not prepared to go back to that dark era
again. Hence, the NTA should abandon its separatist and racist policies
adopted until the LTTE was defeated militarily.
The TNA should read the pulse of the Tamils in the North and not
Tamils in Colombo who often get lavish financial support from their
relatives in the West.
The people in the North have suffered enough and the TNA should not
try to mislead them again by making false promises to achieve impossible
goals within the Provincial Council system. |