'Whirlwind', winner at Jewellery Design Competition 2013

Deputy Minister of Finance and Planning and Senior Minister
for International Monetary Co-operation, Dr. Sarath
Amunugama presents the award to Chamini Dasanayake. |
Chamini Sajeeva Dasanayake, won the Overall Winner's Award at the
recently concluded Jewellery Design Competition, 2013.
The Jewellery Design Competition, initiated in 2010, by the Sri Lanka
Gem and Jewellery Association (SLGJA) is held annually to culminate at
the facets Sri Lanka Exhibition. The exhibition, which commenced in 1991
and held annually, is considered one of the foremost gem and jewellery
exhibitions in the island. The competition is held to recognise the
abilities of Sri Lankan jewellery designers.
The theme of this year's competition was 'The Story of the Wind',
where designers were encouraged to design pieces of jewellery reflecting
either the good or the bad attributes of the 'wind'. The competition was
held in three categories, plain gold jewellery, diamond studded
jewellery and coloured stone-studded jewellery of the nine finalists
from the three categories, Chamini Sajeeva Dasanayake became the overall
winner. |