Children's Day
A brief history
Children's Day in the US predates both Mother's and Father's Day,
though Children's Day is not universally celebrated in the US nor around
the world on a single day. The celebration of a special children's Day
in America dates back to the 1860s or even earlier.

In 1954 to protect children from having to work long hours in unsafe
conditions and allow all children to have access to learning, the UN
General Assembly recommended that all countries should establish a
Universal Children's Day on an "appropriate" day. World Children's Day
is celebrated every year in honour of children.
International Children's Day is celebrated every year in the second
Sunday in December. This is a joint initiative between UNICEF and the
International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. It's a day when
special programs are broadcast for children. Governments around the
world decided to specify a day as Children's Day to draw attention to
children's issues. Many countries, including the Soviet Union, chose
June 1. In Sri Lanka we observe Children's Day on October 1.
In Japan, Children's Day is observed as a national holiday called
Kodomo no Hi and is celebrated annually on May 5 as a part of the
Japanese Golden Week festival held in honour of children and to
celebrate their happiness. Originally, two days were set apart to
celebrate one for boys and another for girls, but in 1948, the
government consolidated the two days into one to celebrate the happiness
of all children.
Children's Day around the world
Every year, Children's Day is celebrated across many nations with
enthusiasm. But do you know when and how it is observed in different
countries. We give you a brief description of how it is celebrated in
some countries.!
In Bangladesh, Children's Day used to be celebrated as "National
Child Day" on March 20, the birthday of Shekh Mujibur Rahman, the father
of the nation. This was observed from 1996 to 2000. But this changed
from 2000 and since then, the Bangladesh government has been celebrating
the occassion on November 20 every year (following the tradition of
observing Universal Child Day by (UNICEF).
In Canada, Children's Day is better known as "National Child Day" and
is held on November 20 each year. It is also known as the Child Day Act,
for the day began to be celebrated in the country when the Parliament of
Canada passed the "Child Day Act" in 1993 to fulfil Canada's commitment
to the United Nations General Assembly's recommendation to observe the
day. In Germany, Children's Day is known as Kindertag and is celebrated
on June 1 of every year.
The holiday began to be celebrated in the country from 1950 (in the
German Democratic Republic), and from then on, it became a yearly
highlight for the German children. On this day, German children
traditionally receive congratulations and presents from their parents.
It is also the time when they perform special activities in school, such
as field trips and the like.
However, in many parts of the country, Children's Day is celebrated
on September 20, the date on which the day was first observed. In India,
Children's Day is celebrated on November 14 every year. This date marks
the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime
Minister of independent India.
Nehru was very fond of children and so, to honour him and acknowledge
his lifelong passion and work for children, Children's day is celebrated
on November 14 every year.
~ Answer to a child's question ~

Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Do you ask what the birds say? The sparrow, the dove,
The linner and thrush say, "I love and I love!"
In the winter they're silent - the wind is so strong;
What it says, I don't know, but it sings a loud song.
But green leaves, and blossoms, and sunny warm weather,
And singing, and loving - all come back together.
But the lark is so brimful of gladness and love,
The green fields below him, the blue sky above,
That he sings, and he sings; and for ever sings he-
"I love my Love, and my Love loves me!
At The Zoo

First I saw the white bear,
then I saw the black;
Then I saw the camel
with a hump upon his back;
Then I saw the grey wolf,
with mutton in his maw;
Then I saw the wombat waddle
in the straw;
Then I saw the elephant a-waving
of his trunk;
Then I saw the monkeys-mercy,
how unpleasantly they-smelt!
At the Seaside

~Robert Louis Stevenson
When I was down beside the sea
At the seaside
A wooden spade they gave to me
To dig the sandy shore.
My holes were empty like a cup,
In every hole the sea came up,
Till it could come no more.
Little Things
~Julia A. Carney
Little drops of water,
Little drains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the beauteous land.
And the little moments,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.
So our little errors
Lead the soul away,
From the paths of virtue
Into sin to stray.
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden,
Like the heaven above. |