Ra-Blue’s strategy to silence Love-Slave
Ra-Blue has drawn up a plan to fix Saa-jeet, the Love-Slave who is
day-dreaming of becoming the Green leader. On the pretext of giving an
opportunity to Saa-jeet, Ra-Blue plans to nominate the rebel Em Pee as
the You-En-Pee’s chief ministerial candidate for the South. Ra-Blue
knows only too well that Love-Slave cannot challenge the ruling party’s
popularity in the South and that Love-Slave would suffer a humiliating
Big Lady’s political lesson at Hora-Galle
Wedding Sam took a group of Green Em Pees for a tea party at the
Walawwa that is Hora-Galle after Thursday’s floral tribute at the
Samadhi. The Retired Big Lady exploited her father’s commemoration for
political advantage. She gave a political lesson to the Green Em Pees,
Gem Wije, Ah-Run, Atta-leader, Ka-Roo and Wije-Slave.
Ka-Roo returns empty-handed
The Green leader summoned Ka-Roo to Cambridge Place last week after
his party suffered a humiliating defeat at the PC polls. In the belief
that Ra-Blue would reinstate him as deputy leader and give him more
responsibility, an overjoyed Ka-Roo rushed to the Op Leader’s office in
double quick time. But lo and behold, Ka-Roo only got a place in the Woc
Com which is controlled by Ra-Blue’s loyalists. The Green leader is
pretty smart eh!
Bell Boys hold postmortem
The Bell Boys held a heated politburo meeting last week to ascertain
the reasons for their downfall at the PC polls. The senior Bell Boys
tried to blame one another but Soo-me the One-sa chipped in to say that
Fonny had robbed their vote base. Some frontliners took Anura Prince to
task for accommodating Fonny and making him the common candidate at the
2010 Prez polls. |