Leaders must develop traits over skills
Today our world is filled with sceptics. People are simply jaded, and
why shouldn't they be? Over the past 50 years we've lived through
disgraced world leaders, dubious armed conflicts, pilfered pensions, and
'new and improved' products that are clearly neither new nor improved.
We live in a world where much of what comes at us from organisations
is spin, propaganda, and distorted half-truths. It should be obvious to
any twenty first century leader that many people are reluctant to
believe in anything.
What we long for is authenticity. We want leaders who speak plainly
and from the heart. We want bosses who reject corporate mumbo jumbo. We
want professionals who don't cloak themselves in a blanket of
buzz-speak. Growth leaders are distinctive not only in their actions,
but also in their attributes. These specific attributes are more like
personality traits than true management skills, and they ultimately
build trust.
The obvious has no place
Facing reality isn't merely a good idea; it's a leadership
imperative. Your organisation depends on someone to challenge the
organisation's most closely held beliefs today. 'Our product is the
best'. 'Our team is superior'. 'Our customers love us'. 'Our cause is
more important than any other'. Let's drop the empty slogans, take down
the banners, and throw away the T-shirts.
Today, it takes a pragmatic realist to separate the true picture from
the conventional group-think. Look for innovative ways of proving
yourself in the eyes of customers.
Most growth leaders are a natural at these skills. Others need to
regularly extricate themselves from day-to-day activities to work on
these leadership skills. Either way, being sensitive is a skill that
gives leaders another arrow in their organisational growth quiver.
Foster transparency
Most of the great corporate and political scandals of the modern age
have had more to do with cover-ups than with the original act of
wrongdoing itself.
In contrast, people and organisations that are transparent in their
actions are those that consistently grow and come out ahead in the long
run. Those who are forthcoming with information - good and bad - can
more effectively lead a team to accomplish great things. An organisation
itself can and should be transparent, but to be so, it needs leaders who
are transparent in their actions.
Employees, customers, vendors, and shareholders know what to expect
from transparent leaders. Fostering transparency takes commitment and
It can be tempting to hide problems, but the transparent leader knows
that the truth eventually slips out anyway - and often looks worse than
it did originally.
As an ancient Eastern adage says, "Three things cannot be hidden
forever: the sun, the moon, and the truth". To lead, it is critical to
master authenticity. Reject the tired clichés, lose the latest
buzzwords, and say what you mean and mean what you say. Know what you do
and do what you know and do it the right way. |