'Protecting IP rights, a challenge'
Dr. Francis Gurry |
In the digital world protecting intellectual properties is a
challenge and the major task of the World Intellectual Property
Organisation (WIPO) is creating a legal, seamless, global, direct
marketplace, Director General of WIPO, Dr. Francis Gurry told the media
in Colombo concluding his three-day visit to Sri Lanka.
He said that WIPO knows the reality and the difficulty of protecting
IP (Intellectual Property) rights after advancing to digital era from
analog. “It is a challenge for us.” However, it is not difficult because
the technology is there. A system that protect IP rights will make a
healthy and vibrant investment climate.
Protection of IP rights is important for Sri Lanka as the country is
focused on knowledge industries such as IT and nano technology.
IP covers a whole range of products, not only high tech products but
products such as shoe design. Journalists too are creating products with
IP rights such as photos, articles, videos and music and protecting IP
rights is challenging in today's digital world as reproduction is easy.
Dr. Gurry was in Colombo to deliver the Lakshman Kadirgamar Memorial
Oration 2013 organised by the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute for
International Relations and Strategic Studies.
He participated at several discussions and seminars to share his
views on the subject and met President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Ministers and
Government officials during his visit.
WIPO is the UN agency dedicated to the proper use of intellectual
- GW |