President Rajapaksa receives ICT leadership award
An ICT leadership award was presented to President Mahinda Rajapaksa
due to his commitment to ICT development in Sri Lanka, the region and
the world.
WSA Chairman, Prof. Peter A. Bruck
presents the award to President Mahinda Rajapaksa. ICTA
Chairman Prof. P. W. Epasinghe looks on. |
The presentation, approved by World Summit Award (WSA) board members
representing all regions, took place during the inauguration of the
World Summit Award (WSA) 2013 at the Presidential Secretariat recently.
The World Summit Award (WSA) is the global follow-up initiative of
the United Nations World Summit on Information Society (WSIS).
"In 2004 when the portfolio of Information and Communication
Technology was on the mantle of the incumbent President, the then Prime
Minister, ICT literacy was a mere four percent. Today it is estimated to
be 40 percent. The President removed ICT from the position of being the
prerogative of a few urban elite and raised it to the level of a
universal tool. The flagship project for this was the Nenasala (wisdom
outlet) project, a brainchild of the President," an ICTA spokesman said.
"There are now 740 of Nenasalas islandwide with 59 of them in the
North. The International Networked Readiness Index which was 83 in 2006
out of 115 countries reached the 69th position out of 144 countries in
2013 in spite of difficult circumstances. Sri Lanka also bagged the
Offshoring Destination of the Year (2013) award at the National
Outsourcing Association Awards held in London recently," he said.
Founder CEO of the UK based Mobilium International, also known as the
'Father of Ringtone' said, "Your support and thinking in general for ICT
development shows great leadership intellectually and politically".
WSA Chairman, Prof. Peter A. Bruck said, "Mr. President, you made a
landmark speech at the UN General Assembly on September 25 this year.
You were looking, talking, asking and pleading for people to have
something like an 'International Skills Day'. That is important because
you were and are committed to give the country's youth and youth in
other countries your valued leadership in ICT development". |