City's food outlets under microscope ahead of CHOGM
by Carol Aloysius
The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) and Health Ministry are cracking
down on all unhygienic food outlets in the city ahead of the
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) on November 15.
Health Ministry sources said they had deployed several Food
Inspectors from its Food Control Unit to visit all outlets serving food
in the city of Colombo. "They have been empowered to make inspections at
any time of the day and arrest errant vendors and owners selling food
unfit for human consumption," a health official told the Sunday
He said the food outlets include star class hotels, restaurants, fast
food outlets and bakeries. "The Inspectors will take into account the
location of each food outlet, the processing of food, storing of food,
preparation of food and source of water used. There are over 10,000 food
outlets in the city itself and many of them, including some leading city
hotels have been found to serve sub-standard food including adulterated
fruit drinks, leading to various health disorders.
"We found cakes and shorteats that were stale or exposed to flies in
popular city restaurants and Take Away outlets and many bakeries selling
underweight and sub quality bread. If any customer finds a foreign
object or develops diarrhoea after eating food from a certain hotel or
restaurant, he or she should bring it to the notice of the nearest PHI",
a Health Ministry spokesman said.
CMC sources said that special education programs were being conducted
for food handlers on hygienic cooking and all food handlers should
undergo medical tests by CMC authorities.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Public Health Inspectors Union All
Island which concluded its first "Food Week" last Friday, said that of
the 38,291 eateries islandwide which had been inspected during the week,
4,887 were found to be unsatisfactory and notices were served on 2,859
errant owners/managers. "We have taken legal action against 2,697 owners
and received nearly Rs. 7 million by way of fines from the 1,258 cases",
he said.