Tribute to a national hero
by S.M. Wijayaratne - Kurunegala Cor.
The Government will hold a ceremony next year (2014) to commemorate
the 150th birth anniversary of national hero Anagarika Dharmapala who
dedicated his life for the benefit of Buddhists throughout the word.
This commemorative event will fall on the September 17, 2014. To
coincide with the important event, a well-organised education program
would be organised islandwide for student population and university
student population by the Ministries of Education and Higher Education.
Sri Lanka Mahabodhi Society and Indian Mahabodhi Society will conduct
joint program to pay tribute to this great personality whose
contribution to the upliftment of Buddhism worldwide is of immense
His biography will be published in both Sinhala and English Languages
and those booklets would be distributed among students as his character
will help students to inculcate patriotic feelings in their tender
hearts for becoming responsible Sri Lankan citizens in the future, said
attorney-at-law the President of Anagarika Dharmapala Birth Anniversary
Commemorative Committee Anuradha Lanka Jayaratne. |