CHOGM theme - consultation and co-operation
by Rupa Banduwardena
Sri Lanka claims the distinction of being the first country in this
part of the globe to hold CHOGM. The theme of the Commonwealth is
“consultation and co-operation” a noble principle of long lasting value.
Some countries who were triumphant over alien domination who were
reluctant to accept the unifying bond of allegiance to the Queen still
wished to remain in the Commonwealth. According to Jawaharalal Nehru,
“It is an Association that brought together, for frank discussion,
without binding commitments, leaders from various parts of the earth.”
Until 1947 the Commonwealth was blessed with only five major states -
Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. It is said
that it is was in 1947 when India and Pakistan obtained full membership
that CHOGM was looked upon as a multi racial Association. Ever since the
concept of common allegiance was eradicated.
Today it is the “Commonwealth of Nations” and not the British
Commonwealth, but all are united by an unbreakable link ie the Queen who
is the head of the Commonwealth. Still the Queen is the unifying force
and the tower of strength under the British flag.
Those living under the British flag led a life of peace and security
with a steady cultural and economic progress.
Today, the Commonwealth is a formation of 54 countries based on the
common factor of population compiled by Wikimedia Foundation in April
2013. The biggest is India, smallest is Nauru and Sri Lanka is listed as
No.16. It is a great blessing that Sri Lanka has been selected as the
venue for this year's CHOGM. The previous session of CHOGM was held in
Australia and in 2009 it was held in Trinidad and Tobago.
The Commonwealth is a unique forum and it is no secret that all
previous CHOGMs numbering 22 have produced excellent results. Each
successive meeting has strengthened the Commonwealth.
Common problems affecting the member states are being discussed at
these meetings and each country has benefited by it's frank discussions.
It is a well-known fact that all previous CHOGMs have made a great
contribution in uniting it's members and had considerably helped the
developing countries of the Commonwealth.
It is impossible, they say to gauge, the magnitude of the services
It is a pleasure to note that this will be treasured for generations
to come and will serve as a source of inspiration to the future leaders.
It is for the good luck and good destiny of the motherland that this
mammoth conference will be held in Sri Lanka with the entire country
selflessly devoted to it's success, with hope and confidence.
The CHOGM well-known throughout the country will no doubt, portray
how a country suffered so much, play a vital role in promoting it's
success in every sphere.
It will also provide a wonderful opportunity for the world leaders to
see for themselves the great progress. All development work undertaken
not only in the North and East but also throughout the island, would
impress them of an era of prosperity.
Having brought normalcy to the lives of the civilian population the
commitment of the Government to reconstruction process is something to
be admired and the landmark achievements of Sri Lanka in this sphere
will definitely be lauded by the touring delegates.
The world's eyes will be widely opened to the post terrorism progress
achieved after eliminating LTTE terrorism that put back the country's
prosperity for three decades. This is only one aspect in brief showing
the importance of the CHOGM.
CHOGM will also be an opportunity to project our historic legacy,
culture and tradition which date back tover 2,500 years. Massive
structures, impressive centres of culture and great irrigation systems
in ancient cities reflecting our national heritage and glory would
enhance prestige, stature and image of this paradise isle. These are
landmarks of our national pride.
CHOGM would also build friendly ties creating wide opportunities for
Sri Lankans to trek into new avenues offering them a vast range of
benefits which are too numerous to put in black and white.
The modern trends of globalisation will be experienced, in a friendly
atmosphere leading to a new revolution renaissance and a flourishing new
It is said that a good past of the human population will be
represented in this esteemed gathering of world leaders.
Out of the seven billion global population, more than two billion
people will be represented at CHOGM.
Due to President Mahinda Rajapaksa's commitment Sri Lanka has been
fortunate to host the 23rd CHOGM and this pearl in the Indian Ocean will
be blessed with the leadership of the Commonwealth for two years
following the CHOGM. |