The Duruthu perahera
 The Duruthu Perahera, held at the Raja Maha Vihara temple in Kelaniya,
eight km (five miles) outside Colombo, is second only to the Kandy
Perahera in September. Held annually in January, it commemorates the
first visit of the Buddha to Sri Lanka.
The Duruthu perahera has taken place since 1927 and celebrates the
Buddha's first visit to Sri Lanka more than 2500 years ago, attracting
hundreds of thousands of people to the sacred Kelaniya Temple in
Colombo. In commemoration of this visit a procession (perahera) is held
for three nights in January at Kelaniya (10 km from Colombo).
It is a colourful pageant with elephants, dancers, drummers and whip
crackers attracting thousands of spectators. It comprises three
peraheras (processions) featuring costumed actors, dancers, musicians,
devotees dressed in white and elephants.
The first procession, Udamaluwa perahera, starts on the upper terrace
of the temple with the ritual handing over of a sacred casket of relics.
Cannon fire marks the beginning of the parade and the casket is
carefully placed on a colourful cushion.
The second procession, Pahathamaluwa perahera, is more colourful but
continues with the elephants carrying the casket and divine insignia.The
festival reaches its climax with the Randoli perahera, the most
magnificent of the processions, held on the day prior to the January
full moon.

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