Cover: A wealth of talent

Little children of Mother Duck Montessori Kelaniya took part in the
annual concert which was held recently at the Tower Hall , Maradana.
Principal Mrs Sylvia Samararatne spared no pains in making it a
success. The chief guest was Dr Deepal Attanayaka of Karapitiya
Hospital, Galle
Back cover: Nature's delight
The Plumed Whistling Duck breeds during the wet season, generally in
January to March, although it can be later in April or, in a few cases
in May. One brood is raised per season.
The nest is a mattress of grasses or similar material in tall grass,
or in or near vegetation as cover. 10 to 12 oval eggs are laid,
measuring 48 x 36 mm; 14 or more have been recorded on occasion.
Initially shiny and creamy-coloured, they may become stained.
The incubation period is around 30 days. Our cameraman Susantha
Wijegunasekara captured this photograph while on a field trip to
Wasgamuwa. |