AG International goes for new paper products
AG International (Agxintl) launched three new paper products to the
local market recently. The launch of 'paper one range', from Indonesia
will enable customers to have a wider choice in selecting quality paper,
AG International (Pvt) Limited (agxintl) Founder and CEO Anton Godfrey
"We are privileged to introduce this product to the country", he
Indonesian Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Harimawan Suyitno said that
Indonesia produces high quality paper products. "We produce paper
products in an environmentally-friendly manner. We are positive about
the trade relations between Sri Lanka and Indonesia and it has improved
over the years," he said.
There is scope to increase bi-lateral trade up to US $ 1 billion by
2015. More opportunities should be created in this regard and Indonesia
is confident that Sri Lanka is moving in the right direction to achieve
mutual benefit, he said.
- SJ