by R. S. Karunaratne
Simple past passive voice
We use the simple past passive voice like the simple past active
voice for complete finished actions and events.

Do you think that you will be born again? |
I was woken by the deep boom of a foghorn echoed across the bay.
This chair was made by my grandfather.
I wasn’t met at the Kuala Lumpur airport.
The houses set on fire in the city were seen by the people in a distant
Most of the cricket matches were won by the Sri Lankan team.
The simple past passive voice can be used in questions.
Was the petition signed by everybody?
Were the lost keys found in the classroom?
Were you helped by a kind man?
Was he told what was happening?
Weren’t you paid for your services?
We use a passive structure to give somebody’s date or place or birth.
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon.
Husna was born in 1991.
Was your father born during the Word world II?
My sister was born in England.
Do you think that you will be born again?
The man who said he was born to teach is now behind bars.

This chair was made by my grandfather. |
Complete the following sentences with ‘was’ or ‘were.’ Check your
answers with the key.
1. The sinking ship .......... seen by a group of holidaymakers.
2. Most of the battles .......... won by the Chinese army.
3. These books .......... found in the men’s changing room.
4. We .......... stranded in Bangkok, but we were helped by a very kind
taxi driver.
5. Kasun .......... stopped by a traffic policeman this morning.
6. Yesterday a man .......... caught trying to enter a rich man’s house.
7. Our passports .......... checked by a stern-looking customs officer.
8. I don’t think this house .......... occupied by a foreign couple.
9. I .......... met at the New Delhi airport.
10. My brother.......... sent to school when he was five.
1. was 2. were 3. were 4. were 5. was 6. was 7. were 8. was 9. was
10. was
Match words and meanings
Here’s a novel method of enriching your vocabulary. Match the words
in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B.’ Check your answers with
the key. The first one has been done for you.
[Column A]
N 1. buddy
.... 2. buff
.... 3. buffalo
.... 4. buffoon
.... 5. bug
.... 6. bugbear
.... 7. bug-eyed
.... 8. bugle
.... 9. bulbous
.... 10. bulge
.... 11. bulk
.... 12. bulky
.... 13. bull
.... 14. bullet
.... 15. bullfight
.... 16. bullheaded
.... 17. bullion
.... 18. bullish
.... 19. bullshit
.... 20. bulwark
.... 21. bumble
.... 22. bumblebee
.... 23. bump
.... 24. bumpkin
.... 25. bumptious
[Column B]
A. a small, metal object shot from a gun
B. a male cow
C. too big and taking up too much space
D. something or somebody that is very large
E. to stick out in a round shape
F. fat and round
G. a musical instrument used in the army
H. having eyes that stick out
I. a particular thing that annoys you
J. a very small insect
K. a person who does silly things
L. a large animal of the cattle family
M. a person who knows a lot about a particular subject
N. a friend
O. unpleasantly confident
P. a person from the countryside
Q. to hit something with force
R. a large hairy bee
S. to speak or move in a confused way
T. something that protects you from dangerous situations
U. complete nonsense
V. giving your opinion in a powerful way
W. gold or silver in the form of bars
X. very determined to do what you want to do
Y. a traditional public entertainment in which a man fights a bull
2. M 3. L 4. K 5. J 6. I 7. H 8. G 9. F 10. E 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A
15. Y 16. X 17. W 18. V 19. U 20. T 21. S 22. R 23. Q 24. P 25. O
When to say ‘so’ and ‘neither do I’
We say ‘so’ after a positive statement and ‘neither do I’ after a
negative statement.

Are you sure you can drive this car? |
A: I'm late.
B: so am I.
A: I am thirsty.
B: so am I.
A: We're busy.
B: So are we.
A: I love Hollywood films.
B: So do I.
A: I am right.
B: So am I.
Negative structures
A: Is it raining?
B: I don't think so.
A: Is the XYZ Party winning?
B: I don't expect so.
A: Is he going to win?
B: I don't think so.
A: Will there be any vacancies?
B: I don't suppose so.
A: Will they support us?
B: I suppose not.
Constructions with ‘neither’
A: I haven't done anything wrong.
B: Neither have I.
A: I haven't eaten anything.
B: Neither have I.
A: I can't drive and neither can my wife.
A: This computer doesn't work.
B: Neither does this one.
We can use ‘nor’ instead of ‘neither.’
A: Ama isn't here nor is her sister.
B: I think so.
A: Is he going to address us next?
B: I think so.
Other constructions
A: Do you think Nellie will get the job?
B: I think so.
A: Are you going to study astronomy?
B: Yes, I expect so.
A: I don't know whether she is rich but I should think so.
Note: We do not use ‘so’ after ‘know’ and ‘be sure.’
A: There has been a sudden death in his family.
B: Yes I know.
A: Are you sure you can drive this car?
B: Yes, I am sure.
Fill in the blanks with ‘so, neither’ or ‘I think so.’ Check your
answers with the key.
1. A: I haven't been to the museum for ages.
B: .......... have I.
2. A: Laura can dance well.
B: .......... can her sister.
3. A: Is the library open on Sunday?
B: I think ..........
4. A: You can't swim wearing a sari.
B: ..........
5. A: Will there be a lot of visitors at the wedding?
B: I don't expect ..........
6. A: Are you going to school tomorrow?
B: I suppose ..........
7. A: Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
B: ..........
8. A: Will he visit our school?
B: I don't think ..........
9. We have got two television sets, but .......... works properly.
10. A: I hope they will stay together.
B: I hope .......... too.
1. Neither
2. So
3. so
4. I think so
5. so
6. so
7. I think so
8. so
9. neither
10. so
Quiz on idioms
An idiom is a special kind of phrase. It is a group of words which
have a different meaning when used together from the one it would have
if the meaning of each word were taken individually.Read the idiom in
bold type and tick the meaning you think is correct. Check your answers
with the key.
1. If somebody can skin you alive ...
(a) they are more powerful than you
(B) they are less powerful than you
(c) they can praise you
2. He thinks teaching is a blind alley ...
(a) it misleads students
(b) it won't lead to anything worthwhile
(c) it is a good investment
3. If you say somebody is as American as apple pie ...
(a) they do not know what American culture is
(b) they are against American culture
(c) they are typical of American culture
4. If you refer to somebody as a fallen angel ...
(a) they were once successful but now unsuccessful
(b) they are still successful
(c) they have never been successful
5. If you are on the side of the angels ...
(a) you're doing what is possible
(b) you're doing what is impossible
(c) you're doing what is morally right
6. If you up the ante ...
(a) you decrease the value of the stake
(b) you increase the value of the stake
(c) you fail to understand the value of the stake
7. If somebody goes ape crazy ...
(a) they behave in an irrational way
(b) they behave in a rational way
(c) they behave in a funny way
8. If somebody is the apple of your eye ...
(a) you're very suspicious about them
(b) you're very angry with them
(c) you're very fond of them
9. If you say somebody is a bad apple ...
(a) you mean they are very greedy
(b) you mean they are very dishonest
(c) you mean they are very honest
10. If somebody upsets the applecart ...
(a) they do something to spoil a satisfactory situation
(b) they do something to put everything in order
(c) they do something to fulfil their ambition
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10.
(a) |