Painting animals in watercolours
by Tissa Hewavitarane
Whatever medium is intended for carrying out a painting it must start
with drawing. After years of experience, an artist may base his pictures
on a sketch so apparently slight that it seems almost as if the drawing
is being bypassed.
For this to be done successfully a careful study and observation must
have been carried out in the past so that the artist's stored knowledge
of the subject enabled him to sum up very quickly the essential facts of
the model before him, and to add these to what is already in his memory,
to produce a true and completely understood presentation of what is
Looking for water |
Until this study has been done, it is necessary to spend much time as
you can on drawing. Even if you have no immediate intention of doing a
painting, no time spent on drawing is wasted. Carry a sketchbook with
you and draw whenever possible.
Practise drawing, on any subject, so that even if the result appears
to be of little significance, it has a beneficial effect on your general
ability. By filling sketchbooks with drawing of many different animals
you are building your knowledge of their structure and habits and also a
useful record to refer to for later work. Do not be disheartened at the
apparent impossibility of completing any one drawing even the smallest
sketch can be useful.
Start another drawing if your subject moves, as you may well have a
chance later to go back to the first one. Collect all your drawings make
written notes about colours, behaviour and sex of animals, the age, and
anything else that contributes to your knowledge.
Try to draw from different viewpoints and pay attention to the
structure of eyes, feet and ears. These will help you to make a really
well observed and thoroughly worked out painting. The route to drawing
and painting an animal well is through the careful study of its form
leading to the perception of its physical entity.
Group of animals
The whole class of animals can be divided into various groups.
Animals are divided into families which are themselves subdivided into
sub families, general species and sub species. Even with these there are
still variations and the range of difference is extraordinary. There is
a large group comprising much of what we eat such as beef, mutton and
pork. It all includes the wild cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and horses
from which our farm animals are derived. A beautiful feature of many
animals is the striking pattern of markings and colours on their bodies.
This has led to the appealing abuse of many species by the human race
who have slaughtered animals in countless numbers for the adornment of
their own. All the spotted and striped cats have been victims and when
the furred and coloured colobus monkeys had the misfortune to attract
the attention of the fashion trade are merelessly exploited. The dark
and white spots and streaks on many species of deer and the blotches of
a giraffe, some to help their owners disappear among the shadows of the
leaves and branches. The beauty of the pattern is a by-product of
It is difficult always to work directly from nature with wildlife
subjects. Although it is better to draw from life as far as possible,
photographs television and video films can be used quite legitimately as
an extra source of information. I paint a great deal from nature films.
The drawings have a liveliness that comes only from watching the
movement of an animal going about its normal business. Photograph
studies are done from close quarters of pictures taken on sight. Video
films can be of great help particularly to slow down movement. It is
important not to work from a still image alone.
The elephant has become part of the region's culture especially in
Sri Lanka. Habarana is believed to be an area where elephants roam in
the centre of three national parks such as Minneriya, Kawdulla and
The painting, shown here titled 'looking for water' is taken from a
photograph taken while I was on an elephant safari. Observe the lakeside
scene with the wild elephant figured in the centre.
The image is more striking, as it gives the greatest amount of detail
in the foreground and simplified the background. Attention is now
focussed on the elephant and the water, which register clear against the
dark patches of olive green and tones used for the background. The
surroundings give a dramatic impression of the sheer scale and the
grandeur of the natural world.
See how the contrast between the sharp-focus foreground the elephant
and the hazy background helps to create the illusion of depth and space
in the landscape. One of the most attractive qualities about watercolour
is its ability to suggest even the most transient effects of light,
colour and atmosphere found in nature.
The appeal of this painting lies in the delicate transition from
strong colour and detail with a through careful study of the elephant.
A pale wash of burnt sienna is applied on the body. The colour is
then strengthened again with dark patches of burnt sienna and stronger
black building up the image of the animal.
The final addition is greenery ranging from pale green to strong
yellowish green just enough to balance the composition. |