Mystery behind five-million-year-old whale graveyard revealed
Huge find of whales in
Chile's Atacama Desert thought to have been caused by mass strandings
after animals ingested toxic algae
Scientists believe they have unravelled the mystery behind a
graveyard of whales dating back five million years uncovered beside the
Pan-American Highway in Chile.

Chilean and Smithsonian palaeontologists study several
fossil whale skeletons at Cerro Ballena, next to the
Pan-American Highway in the Atacama Region of Chile, 2011. |
A report suggests the animals, which are one of the most astonishing
fossil discoveries in recent years, may have died in four mass
strandings after ingesting toxic algae. The animal carcasses are then
thought to have washed into an estuary before becoming buried by sand
over time, preserving the fossils.
Northern Chile's Atacama Desert has become well known for preserving
whale fossils after the site was discovered during an expansion project
of the Pan-American Highway in 2010.
Bones could be seen sticking out of rock faces, leading many to
nickname the spot Cerro Ballena, or 'whale hill', as a result.
American and Chilean palaeontologists were finally given the
opportunity to properly examine the fossil beds when a cutting was made
to widen the Highway in 2011. A team from the Smithsonian's National
Museum of Natural History and Chilean scientists had just two weeks to
undertake their investigations before the heavy plant returned to
complete construction of the new road, according to the BBC.
The team recorded as much detail as possible and created 3D models of
the skeletal remains in situ. They also removed some bones from the site
to study further in the lab.
In addition to the skeletons of more than 40 large baleen whales that
dominated the site, the team documented the remains of an extinct
walrus-like whale - dolphins which evolved a walrus-like face -and found
skeletons of billfishes, seals and aquatic sloths.
"To me, it's amazing that in 240m of road-cut, we managed to sample
all the superstars of the fossil marine-mammal world in South America in
the Late Miocene. Just an incredibly dense accumulation of species,"
Nicholas Pyenson, a palaeontologist at the Smithsonian's National Museum
of Natural History, said.Palaeontologists study several fossil whale
skeletons at Cerro Ballena, next to the Pan-American Highway in the
Atacama Region of Chile, 2011 (Adam Metallo, Smithsonian Institution).
The team also noted how the carcasses were arranged. The skeletons,
which were nearly all complete, were preserved in four separate levels,
pointing to a repeated and similar underlying cause of death. But the
different fossils levels suggested it was not one event but four
separate episodes spread over a period of several thousand years.
- The Independent