Kashmir Solidarity Day commemorated

Pakistan High Commissioner Qasim Qureshi speaking on the
A seminar titled 'Kashmir Dispute in the Regional Perspective' was
held in Colombo on Thursday evening to express support for the Kashmiri
people on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day.
A large number of people including diplomats, members of academia,
dignitaries, Pakistani community based in Sri Lanka and a large
contingent of media personnel were present.
Prominent scholars including Chairman, Kashmir Study Group, Jamal-ud-Din,
Ms. Ramla Wahab of the Lakshman Kadirgamer Institute for International
Relations and Strategic Studies, Senior Analyst Ameen Izzadeen,
expressed their views and participated in the panel discussion.
The High Commissioner of Pakistan Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Qasim Qureshi
outlined the significance of Kashmir issue and said that it was the main
stumbling block in making SAARC an effective entity.
He said that the Kashmir issue is more relevant today, as it involves
the principle of self-determination and human rights of the Kashmiri
people. Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed every year by Pakistan and
Kashmiris around the globe on February 5 since 1990. |