UN research push to protect journalists
The UN has highlighted ten themes for research on journalists’ safety
in a drive to better understand the threats media staff face around the
world, and to try and reduce them.
More than 700 journalists and media workers have been killed in the
past decade, according to the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO). Its draft research agenda on journalists’ safety,
published last month (1 June), is designed to strengthen press freedom
and reduce self-censorship.
Until now, there has been little research on this topic, says Reeta
Pöyhtäri, UNESCO’s expert on indicators the agency uses to assess
journalists’ safety. “We believe that research can help in the creation
of free and safer working conditions for journalists, from which they
will benefit in their daily work.”
The goal is for the research and analysis to contribute to the UN
Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity,
which aims to create “a free and safe environment for journalists and
media workers in both conflict and non-conflict situations.” This is
meant to strengthen peace, democracy and development worldwide. Among
the ten broad areas of suggested research are physical, online and
psychological safety.
• UNESCO’s ten proposed research topics on the safety of journalists
• Rights-based issues, such as human rights and freedom of expression
• Conflict issues, including war reporting and propaganda
• Societal issues, for example the effect on the audience of threats
to journalists’ safety
• Legal issues, such as legal and extra-legal tools to protect
• Practitioner issues, for instance journalistic ethics and the safety
of freelancers
• Psychological issues, including the effects of threats and
• Economic issues, for example the working conditions of journalists
• Digital issues, including the threats to journalists’ safety online
• Thematic issues, such as safety in different journalistic beats
• Educational issues, including covering safety in journalists’ training
UNESCO plans to discuss the agenda with academics during dedicated
sessions at upcoming conferences. The first two sessions are due to take
place this month, during the International Association for Media and
Communication Research Conference in Canada, and the Global
Communication Association Conference in Germany.
The situation is a particular concern in conflict areas in the
developing world. For example, the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom
of Expression has documented 282 murders of journalists during the
Syrian conflict.
But Mohamed Ali Eddin, an Egyptian journalist and photographer, says
that covering science topics can be as dangerous as war reporting,
flagging up the Ebola outbreak as an example. “I myself frequently have
to cover stories from contaminated or industrial areas in hazardous
circumstances,” he says. For example, Ali Eddin recently reported for
SciDev.Net on the terrible working conditions of quarry workers in
Egypt, who are exposed to injuries and lung disease.
Yemeni environmental journalist Omar Alhayani says: “Under the fire
of war, especially in the developing world, it is hard to keep
journalists safe.” In the Yemeni conflict, he says, it is tough for
journalists to get information and it is dangerous as they are a target
for all sides.
A global agreement between governments to guard journalists’ safety
would be the most desirable outcome from UNESCO’s research agenda,
Alhayani says.
Samir Mahmoud, a journalism professor at Sultan Qaboos University in
Oman, adds that discussing the agenda with academics, press unions and
journalism associations in different countries might help to make it
more relevant to the needs of different groups.
“We haven’t yet had the chance to discuss the agenda with academics
in depth,” says Pöyhtäri. While UNESCO has targeted journalism, media
and communication researchers, the discussion is intended to also
include experts from other disciplines such as psychology, law, and the
social and political sciences, she says.