Amăna Takaful keeps its promise for third consecutive year
Amana Takaful PLC (ATL) will pay a Surplus to its general insurance
policy-holders for the third consecutive year. Following Surplus
payments of 12.5% and 15% in 2012 and 2013, the board decided to award a
Surplus of 10% for 2014, to be distributed among the company's
non-claimant policy-holders.
As opposed to conventional insurance, the Takaful concept not only
benefits claimants but also takes care of non-claimant policyholders.
Such policy-holders receive a proportionate share of the Surplus from
the risk fund at the end of a defined period.
Composite Gross Written Premium of ATL grew by 10.2% over the
previous year, ahead of industry growth and crossing the Rs.2 billion
threshold to close at Rs.2.06 billion. The General Takaful segment
achieved a GWP of Rs. 1.38 billion an increase by 4.0% over the previous
year, in which the motor class sustained its revenue, while non-motor
business improved by 15.9%. Net claims increased to Rs. 636 million,
5.5% over 2013. Industry-wide, ATL has a record of a relatively low
claims ratio, attributable to astute claims management due to prudent
underwriting and risk assessment. As a consequence, the risk fund is in
surplus for the third successive year, enabling the company to
distribute a surplus to non-claimant participants in 2015, on the basis
of the fund's performance in the reporting year."We are delighted to
share a Surplus with all our non-claimant policyholders for the third
consecutive year.
In this this pay-out, non-claimants in respect of medical policies
too are included. This must not be confused with the No Claim Bonus (NCB),
which is a feature of a regular motor insurance policy. We shall make
every endeavour to keep rewards coming your way over the years," said
Chief Executive Officer, ATL, Fazal Ghaffoor. |