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'Callous disregard for patients'
I am writing this letter as I think many patients may benefit if what
I highlight are put right even at this late stage.
1) I was at a multi-storied private hospital in Colombo 5 in November
2014, for a cervical spine operation and subsequently in a room for
three days.
Immediately after the operation. I was unable to pass urine
easily,and had no sleep as a result. When I informed the staff that I
needed a urinal, the sister/matron of that floor said "our nurses don't
do that! "Then I asked for a male nurse, as I had only my daughter with
me and a visitor to stay the night. The nurse returned and told my
visitor that he could hold the urinal.
I was very upset and embarrassed, but my visitor agreed, knowing that
I was helpless! Mind you this was after a spinal surgery !
This is unthinkable as this is a well-known hospital which hands out
massive bills (just as most others) detailing some charges which are
unacceptable and even un-explainable by them. However, as the particular
surgeon, (one of great esteem), requested me I had no choice but to
admit myself to this hospital.
When I told a friend of mine (a highly reputed professor of Medicine)
who came to visit me, about this incident, she was flabbergasted. She
went to the 'nurse station' on the same floor and told them this was
unheard of in other private hospitals, and asked her why such a
situation arose. The nurses on duty looked on non-plussed.
Urine Flow'
2) On 14/02/15 I came to this same hospital for a 'Urine Flow' test
prescribed by my Urologist I was sent by the staff from pillar to post,
and as instructed I went to the 2nd floor when they asked me to go down
to the ground floor ,pay and bring the receipt. I told him I have come
after drinking more than 500 ml water as instructed by the Urologist and
as I was a disabled person and asked whether I could pay the
receptionist on the same floor.(and when I went there the gent at the
desk was involved in an animated chat on his mobile having no work, but
said - no way to pay here".
Then I persuaded an oldish minor staff member whom I told the problem
to, who readily agreed to go down and pay. Even when I offered a small
gift, he vehemently refused, but said he was happy to help! An extremely
kind person who should be rewarded by the management! This is what is
expected to help patients and not be inhuman
Worst treatment
3) On June 23, 2015 once again I came to the same hospital as I had
to do another 'Urine Flow' test and went through the worst treatment
once again.
This time around, I went straight to the payment counter on the
ground floor, (seeing very well how I hobbled my way there) said "You
have to take an appointment from the Second Floor . and come here" So,I
followed their various sign boards, reached the 2nd fl. when I was
directed to the Op. theatre where I had to press the bell about four
times when a nurse appeared and said ˙ou have to go to the Cath.lab.
By this time I was so fed up that I dragged my daughter out and went
to the closest private hospital where the test was taken and report
given in not more than 15 minutes!
The Quality Control Department of this hospital was informed in all
three instances verbally as well as by e-mail, but except for a verbal
acknowledgement in one instance there was no acknowledgement whatsoever.
There is no use in having powdered dolls at the entrances if nothing is
done about complaints.
I hope this will receive the urgent attention of the hospital
concerned, at least now for the sake of other patients who pay good
money to rectify this disgraceful display of inhuman conduct!
A disappointed patient