but Menika cannot shed one single tear, even a croc one, when the former
President bemoans the fact of a witch-hunt against him and his family
He accuses the government of trailing him and his family with revenge
and yes, that horrid word, jealousy and thus the inquiries and arrests
and those to come. He paints himself and his extended family, more so
his atomic family, as lily white and the blame is all on the government
and the institutions set up to inquire into hundreds of shady
transactions effected within the past ten years and see that justice is
Shady is too mild a word to describe the horrendous amounts of money
involved in money laundering et al. He has complained thus at meetings
at the Abhayarama Temple and at the entrance to the Sri Dalada Maligawa
in Kandy, much to the consternation of Menika and her kind who feel
these places are sacred and not to be sullied by political speeches
which are poisonous and hate impregnated.
We realise the truth of the old adage: no smoke without fire. So
instead of trying to paint himself innocent of any malpractices, the ex-Prez
should hold his peace.
Missing gold
Crimes were galore. On Wednesday, March 9 in Parliament, a question
was raised about 150 kilograms of gold confiscated from Tamil people in
the North and in the possession of the LTTE, taken over by the army to
be handed over to the Central Bank.
Hand over they did, but 40 kg is unaccounted for. Eighty kg was
returned to owners, which everyone applauds; 30 kg was given to the
Central Bank. Where oh where is the remaining 40 kg? Of course rumours
have been throttling the grape vine about who got the gold.
Which reminds this feline of the immediate aftermath of the 1983
conflagration in Colombo where Tamil homes were targeted and goons
attacked Tamil people. A Tamil servant she knows secretively brought
gold jewellery to sell and sell cheap. Menika could not bring herself to
buy anything, sorely tempted though she was.
Arguments went back and forth in her mind. “If you don’t buy, someone
else will. This jewellery will never go back to the rightful owners.”
And the voice of conscience shot back: “There’s blood on these pieces.
Women may be mourning their loss. Gold jewellery is even more precious
to Tamil people than to the Sinhalese. It’s often their life’s saving
and daughters’ dowries.” Mercifully for later peace, nothing was bought.
Thus greed to grab as is obvious in the present gold story is hard to
Another nadir of behaviour
This cat commented in her Sunday mewing in this column on the
disgraceful behaviour, nay reprehensible and totally condemnable
behaviour of those at the open air concert at Galle Face Green on
February 4 as they voiced vociferously and disgracefully their
non-appreciation of the singing of Danno Bundunge by world famed opera
singer Kishani.
Kishani Jayasinghe-Wijayasekera herself wrote to the Sunday papers of
March 6 to say she forgives those who expressed derision and even hate
at the manner of her singing this song. It is venerated but not a
Buddhist song like Bakthi Gee. It mentions the Buddha, Arahats and
Anuradhapura but it is not a holy rendition like the recitation of a
Buddhist Sutta.
Kishani revealed she had received 500,000 emails, mostly hate mail.
She itemised the worst three, signed off by women.
This was deplorable. This cat commented only on the booing at the
Galle Face Green. Now Kishani reveals there was so much hate and curses
conveyed to her via email. We surely are a sick nation. But this feline
defends her sex. She is sure the worst hate mail was from half crazy
males who hid cowardly by signing off as women.
Base feelings
Menika titled this piece ‘Witch-hunts’. She dealt with the fact of
the former Prez using this term with qualifiers such as ‘revenge’
‘vengeance’. She used the plural. Why? Because she has in mind a real
witch-hunt that is taking place now. A motorcyclist with a pillion rider
rode into a vehicle from the Ministry of Mega Polis of which Patali
Champika Ranawaka is Minister. This feline is not going into the whys,
wherefores and who’s guilty in this case. Those are strictly for the
police and later the courts. But she is so annoyed and derisive that she
wants to comment on one issue. Udaya Gammanpila and his crowd are on a
witch-hunt true and improper. They are out for Minister Ranawaka’s blood
in the way of having him accused as perpetrator of the hit and run
accident at Rajagiriya.
They shout that the police have to arrest him. And why this
pseudo-righteousness, this wanting to show they are so law-abiding and
want justice for the motorcyclist (though he plowed into the vehicle)
and see that law is upheld
Is it for the sake of justice and the country? Not on your life! They
shout since they cannot bear to see a former colleague doing so well and
guiding a very important ministry.
Ranawaka is a bright star that shot far ahead of the clods in his
former party and clique. And those left behind cannot stomach it. They
seem unable to contain their frustration and envy. So they pretend good
citizenship and witch- hunt the young and clever Minister.
Oppose for the sake of opposing
Another irritant to this cat is that the so-called Joint Opposition
opposes everything the government tries to do or is forced to do.A
headline in a newspaper of Thursday March 10 screemed: Tax increases:
Joint Opposition to move no–confidence vote. Even a cat-brained
individual such as yours truly knows the government and thus the country
is drastically cash strapped and the economy is in dire straits.
Something has to be done. Borrowing was gone into but payment with
interest stares the borrower in the face. So taxes are to be upped and
mostly of those who can well afford to pay higher taxes.
The Joint Opposition berates this move. They waste Parliamentary
debate-time and thus cause chaos. We have read of instances where the
opposition and government combine to undertake measures that are
Britain is one such country. But no; our bigoted Joint Opposition,
whose thrust is to disrupt good governance, shouts nays and instigates
chaos totally unnecessarily. May their protests boomerang on them!
- Menika