Eight staffers of the Rotary Printing
Department of the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd.
(ANCL) who retired were felicitated by colleagues at a
function held at Lake House premises recently. From left
(Seated): Deputy Manager, G.H.A. de S. Silva, Press Manager,
Ranjan Jayatilleke, Senior Deputy General Manager, Kamal
Wijesuriya, Operations Manager, Salinda Ranasinghe and Asst.
Manager, Sudath Bamunuarachchi. (Standing) K.N.J. Silva, K.C.
Perera, K.D.A. Upali Nandasiri, A.L.D. Perera, P.A.U.
Senaratne, Dharmasiri Premaratne, K.A.A. Upawansa and H.D.
Ranjith. Pic :Saman Sri Wedage |