Twitter: 10 years on, still lagging behind
What can you say in 140 characters? What can't you say in 140
characters? This is what Twitter taught the world - to say what you want
clearly and concisely.
Twitter is a social network that helps people to send and read
'tweets' or 140-character messages in real time in a multitude of
languages. For this reason, it is also called a 'micro blogging' site.
Pictures, video and audio clips and web links can be included in these
messages. Twitter has a proprietary system to shorten weblinks to fit
into the 140-character limit.
However, due to intense competition from Facebook, Facebook Messenger
and What's App (also owned by Facebook) on the social network front,
Twitter is now classified as a News App on the Apple iOS App Store.
Twitter was at one time very close to being bought by Facebook, but the
deal fell through and is unlikely to happen again.
Twenty-five offices
Twitter was founded on March 21, 2006 in San Francisco, USA. Today,
Twitter has around 25 offices around the world and celebrated its 10th
anniversary recently. The founders are Jack Dorsey (the present CEO),
Biz Stone, Evan Williams and Noah Glass. Their inspiration was the
phone-based Short Messaging Service (SMS) which is normally limited to
160 characters per message. Unlike Apple's iMessage, Twitter is not a
direct replacement of SMS.

CEO Jack Dorsey
Pix: Courtesy Twitter |
Dorsey said of the hunt for a name for their service: "We came across
the word 'twitter', and it was just perfect. The definition was 'a short
burst of inconsequential information,' and 'chirps from birds'. And
that's exactly what the product was". Indeed, Twitter's symbol is a
chirpy bird in flight without the word Twitter. Twitter can be accessed
worldwide, except in Iran, China and North Korea where the site is
banned. On Twitter, you can 'Follow' someone or an organisation.
If you tweet, over time you will gather 'Followers' who will
automatically get your tweets. The Twitter name that you use is
sometimes called the Twitter handle - for example, @twitter. Celebrities
who tweet are sometimes called Twitterati and the Twitter ecosystem -
If you want to check on tweets on a particular subject, such as the
Rio Olympics, you can look for the 'hash tag' #RioOlympics. Twitter
brings people across the world together during significant cultural or
sporting events such as the Soccer World Cup or a Game of Thrones
When underdog team Leicester City were crowned English Premier League
champions last week, Twitter virtually 'exploded' with over 5.5 million
tweets in a few minutes, an increase of 86 percent over the normal rate
of tweets.

A Twitter screenshot |
The person with the largest number of followers is Katy Parry, with
84 million. Justin Bieber is second with 76 million followers and Taylor
Swift has 72 million. The highest-ranking non-entertainer is US
President barrack Obama, who has 70 million. (Most world leaders have an
official Twitter account). Interestingly, Google's YouTube Twitter
account has attracted more than 60 million followers. Ironically,
Facebook, Twitter's arch-rival, also has an official Twitter account, as
does Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Number 10
Although Twitter has over 500 million user accounts, only around 330
million are active users who send around 140 million Twitter messages a
day. This is way behind the main competitor Facebook's 1.6 billion
active user base. Anyone aged 13 and above can join Twitter free.
Twitter is ranked number 10 on the Alexa list of the most visited
websites in the world, which is headed by Google and Facebook.
For many users, Twitter is more about reading what other people have
to say and watching what other people do than about participating
themselves. According to research published in April 2014, around 44
percent of users never tweeted an original tweet even once. (Note that
you can also share others' tweets without tweeting yourself).
Twitter primarily depends on advertising (called promoted tweets) for
its revenue. Recently, Twitter badly missed its first-quarter revenue
estimates, attributing the shortfall to big-brand advertisers not
increasing their spending as quickly as expected. Twitter earned around
US$ 2 billion last year and the net income was around US$ 520 million.
Twitter's revenue growth is expected to shrink to 17 percent this
quarter after doubling only 18 months ago. This appears to be due to
Twitter's signature advertising product: the 'promoted tweet', which
looks like a regular tweet but includes promotional text, images and
links. Brands are moving away from these ads because they are looking
for more immersive advertising such as video or interactive ads, says
Executive Director of a social-media agency, James Douglas. Twitter also
launched video ads last year that start rolling while muted, Facebook-style,
as users scroll through their timelines. Advertisers are waiting for
Twitter to roll out improved tools to target users and measure
performance. Twitter hopes to release these tools later in the year,
around the time it will begin live-streaming the first of 10 National
Football League (NFL) games which it won after beating Amazon and Hulu.

Accessing Twitter on smartphones |
Twitter also gained the live streaming service Periscope to compete
with Facebook Live. Twitter also has its own short video service called
Vine and photo sharing service called Twitpic. Twitter has been
releasing a slew of changes and new products, such as a big change to
its timeline and new real-time services such as Moments.
Twitter is also trying to make the service less confusing and more
palatable to new users. Some companies use so-called chatbots (also
called tweetbots) on Twitter for repetitive messaging. Microsoft
recently unleashed on Twitter a so-called 'millennial chatbot' called
Tay that was supposed to mimic the behaviour of a teenage girl, but
users quickly taught it to spew out racist and offensive remarks.
Microsoft had to take it down.
Twitter recently dropped a plan to remove the 140 character limit
after a severe backlash. Most people now access Twitter via smartphone
apps (iOS, Android, Windows and Amazon Fire OS) rather than on laptops
or desktops. Twitters smartphone apps are termed an 'essential' item by
the App Store editors.
Twitter rolled out a new featured Connect Tab last week which helps
users to find accounts they would like to follow. The Connect Tab will
pull together and follow recommendations based on where you are located,
who you already follow, and major events on Twitter. The new tab, on iOS
and Android, is similar to a previous 'Find People' tab that was in the
same space. Twitter also redesigned its mobile website recently to
attract more mobile web (not app) traffic from people who do not have
the app.
Next week: Coca Cola |