Chevron Lubricants opens trading at the CSE
Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC (Chevron) rang the opening bell to
commence trading at the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) on Tuesday. The
market opening ceremony was organised to mark the first trading day for
the month of May.

From left: Manager Finance and Planning, Chevron, Erande de
Silva, GM Sales, Chevron, Bertram Paul, Director and CFO,
Chevron Anura Perera, CEO and MD, Chevron, Kishu Gomes, CSE
Chairman Vajira Kulatilaka, CSE CEO Rajeeva Bandaranaike and
CSE Director Moksevi Prelis at the bell ringing ceremony. |
Chevron CEO and MD Kishu Gomes, Director and CFO Anura Perera, GM,
Sales, Bertram Paul, Manager, Finance and Planning, Erande de Silva and
members of the company's senior management were present at the event.
CSE Chairman Vajira Kulatilaka, Director Moksevi Prelis, CEO Rajeeva
Bandaranaike and the senior management of the CSE were also present.
CEO and MD, Chevron Kishu Gomes said, "We are proud about what we
have delivered to our shareholders. We focus on creating shareholder
value by managing the performance of the organisation and by taking a
day-to-day approach to compliance and conformance. Listing on the CSE
has created a need for transparency, a need that has benefitted us when
building a corporate brand both locally and internationally."
"We are pleased with how we have created value for both the market
and the country. We believe that liquidity of our share market
capitalization will improve further with the implementation of the
recently announced share split," he said.
Chairman, CSE, Vajira Kulatilaka commended Chevron for its strong
presence in the market and said the company's listing has offered
investors value and variety.
"A number of important developments at CSE are expected this year.
The Broker Back Office system is almost complete, which is a
prerequisite to implement the CCP and also to implement Delivery vs
Payment. We also hope to list foreign companies at the CSE to offer a
better portfolio to investors and to create market depth," he said.
"These developments will help the CSE to reach international
standards, standards that are essential when providing infrastructure
for the exchange of securities,"Kulatilaka said.
Market Opening Ceremonies are conducted by the CSE to serve as a
platform to generate exposure for listed companies as they celebrate
important milestones in the capital market.