Sunday Politics:
Radicalisation of Tamil politics is turning out
to be a critical problem for the country’s political sphere, as the
government has already embarked on a comprehensive mission to bring
about reconciliation and accountability. This trend aims to derail
the government’s plans for reconciliation, while causing fear and
suspicion among Sinhala-Buddhist sections in the South.
Cat’s eye:
The Hippocratic Oath is solemnly parroted when
medical interns become fully fledged doctors. It is a long oath and
there are several versions, ancient and modern, but within it come
these sentiments: “I will use treatment to help the sick according
to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to lying and wrong
doing. I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art.”
Assessing 22 months of National Unity goveRnment:
Twenty months ago a decision was made that changed the course of the
country. Many factors contributed to what happened next. Many
individuals, organizers and the majority of the voters played important
and even crucial roles in how things unfolded. However, if one man had
not taken an all-important decision, we may not be where we are today,
we may have been even poorer.