Anti tobacco and alcohol walk :
Hakmana sets the trend
It has been long established that tobacco and alcohol are the leading
causes of preventable deaths and disease the world over. The situation
in Sri Lanka is similar to the world status with nearly 20,000 new cases
of cancer being reported every year. Approximately, 60 deaths are
reported daily due to tobacco related illnesses.
The cost of cigarette smoking is not just on health but also
economical. The huge economical burden of tobacco amounts to Rs 76,150 M
per year. That is Rs208 M per day. This is roughly the cost of the
Southern Highway (Rs 96,150 m) or twice the cost of the Hambantota Port
(Rs 47,500m).
At the family level, the 'cost' of smoking is poverty, malnourishment
and reduced educational privileges to children.
Tobacco related negative effects are not merely problems of the
smoker but also the main reason for suffering in many families, not
forgetting family members being directly exposed to passive smoking.
The MOH Hakmana has embarked on a mission to eradicate the tobacco
related social crisis from the area. The office of MOH, Hakmana has
drawn a promising road map of events expanding to an entire year
covering the Hakmana area.
All events, meetings, conferences and educational programs are
conducted by the MOH staff of Hakmana with the collaboration of the
divisional secretariat of Hakmana Pradeshiya Sabha, Hakmana police and
Hakmana Shasanarakshaka Bala Mandalaya.
With the able help of NATA (National Authority for Tobacco and
Alcohol) and ADIC (Alcohol and Drugs Information Centre) the program,
has achieved success in discouraging more than 98% of the business
community to stop selling tobacco and tobacco related products. This was
done only through health education and awareness programs.
The MOH office of Hakmana organized yet another program to prevent
tobacco related effects on 23September, through a series of events and a
humble appeal to stop consuming tobacco and related products in Hakmana.
This anti smoking and alcohol march was organized with the
collaboration of the zonal education office Mulatiyana.
Schoolchildren from 70 schools in the zone, teachers principals,
delegates from Pradeshiya Sabha, Divisional Secretariat, bhikkhus, MOH
staff, and doctors representing regional director of health services MOH
and staff of Mulatiyana and Hakmana police took part.
Mothers' supportive groups of Hakmana, Mulatiyana and Kirinda
Puhulwella M.O.H.divisions also participated.
Posters and banners were displayed during the walk urging the public
to quit smoking and consuming alcohol. Special attention was given to
discourage young children and school leavers from taking up smoking.
Leaflets were distributed with health education information on the
harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol.
A Street drama was presented by the schoolchildren of Kongala Maha
Vidyalaya and Methodist College, Hakmana.