MBSL Midcap indices cross 4700 mark
MBSL Midcap indices which capture the price movement of the medium
capitalised companies in the Colombo bourse crossed the milestone of
4700 points last month recording a superior rate of return of 43% (unannualised)
for the first eleven months of 2006.
The Midcap index and MBSL MIDTRI which were launched in 1999 and
2004, by the Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka (MBSL) as an enhanced strategy
to measure the performance of the medium capitalised stocks in the
market and a vehicle for an equity indexing strategy.
It was a much needed move to fill the vacuum by introducing an index
to capture the performance of the medium capitalised companies since the
performance of ASPI and MPI is associated with the "large-cap bias",
which means the domination in the indices by the large capitalised
The filtering criteria of 25 stocks in the index are the market
capitalisation (in the range of Rs. 550 million - Rs. 5.5 billion),
liquidity and profitability.
Both the indices are spread over eight different sectors,
representing Banks and Finance, Manufacturing, Health care and Hotels
sectors. Therefore, the Midcap index ensures a satisfactory
diversification across sectors.
The Midcap had a market capitalisation of Rs. 67 billion as at the
end of last month accounting to about 8% of the total market
capitalisation of the Colombo bourse. |