Barefoot Economy to build $ 600,000 fragrant oil plant in K'gala
An essential oil manufacturing plant will be
built at a cost of US$ 600,000 in Kurunegala by Barefoot Economy, a
not for profit organisation headed by Anna Kiousis, an Australian
with the aim of providing economic independence, equal opportunity
and self determination to the poorest of the poor.
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Moneragala to double sugarcane cultivation
Over $40m saving on forex annually
The Bank of Ceylon has signed an MoU with the
Pelwatte Sugar Industries to launch a Rs. 1.5 billion project to
promote sugarcane cultivation in the Moneragala district that would
save over US$ 40 million in foreign exchange annually by doubling
sugar production.
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Critical thinking skills and vision a bigger challenge -
ICASL chairman
When the 27th National Conference of The
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka began last week,
ICASL chairman, Preethi Jayawardena reminded that last year, they
said that critical thinking skills and vision were the new currency
of the 21st century.
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