Gender equality in Sri Lanka - better than the west
by Rosanne Koelmeyer Anderson
Time for celebration. Sri Lanka emerged 15th in the global "gender
gap" ranking, faring better than most Asian countries, except for
Philippinnes (6) and even better than some European countries in terms
of granting equal opportunities for women.
In fact, Sri Lanka has been marked ahead of United States (31),
Switzerland (40), France (51) and Italy (94) while Nordic countries
continue to lead the way in equal opportunities for women, as revealed
by a survey by the World Economic Forum.
Cheers! Mahinda Chinthana has given top priority and a special place
for women and these findings would connote that the government had
fulfilled their agenda for women in Sri Lanka; a state of positive
thinking for all women activists that elimination of violence against
women is not afar.
At a recent workshop themed "Combatting violence against women
through multi-sectorial interventions" presented by the Zonta Club 1 of
Colombo where country papers were presented by participants, women were
candid about their thoughts and what was most inspiring was a message
rendered by Indrani Sugathadasa, Secretary, Ministry of Child
Development and Women's Empowerment stating that the ministry had gone a
step ahead by setting up over hundred special committees, especially in
government institutions to investigate into sexual harassment,
protection of women and women's rights and ensure equal opportunity,
counselling services and other related issues.
The governments's effort and top priority to eliminate violence
against women is appreciated, a positive approach, a step in the right
direction which has been contributory to the gender equality findings of
the World Economic Forum which put Sri Lanka at the 15th position
Combating violence against women in Sri Lanka is the key area of the
Ministry of Child Development and Women's Empowerment. A hand shake to
the Ministry of Child Development and Women's Empowerment too for their
invaluable contribution.
Many organisations have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to
make this a reality and the Zonta Clubs' contribution is commendable.
At the forum organised by the Zonta Club 1 the voice of women came
out strong: Women are potential victims of violence at every state of
their lives globally; from parental selection and female infanticide at
birth to sexual harassment, abuse and assault, forced prostitution and
trafficking, rape, domestic violence and battering and in this
perspective women have to join hands to come to the forefront to combat
violence globally, it is the need of the hour.
Mrs. Indrani Sugathadasa addressing the forum said violence can be
broadly classified as physical and mental and more women go through
mental violence and verbal abuse in the upper middle class.
Violence begins at home with the husband. It is important to
inculcate the correct concepts in the minds of children. Learning to
respect mothers is important.
Legal deterrents should be compulsory and awareness raising
programmes and the counselling aspect have to be given priority. Media
should be sensitive and highlight the psycho-social problems faced by
women in society in order that the relevant authorities could undo the
This I thought was sound advice, a message that should reach society
at large. Gender equality is the finest life long discipline anyone
could uphold for a good yesterday, a better today and the best tomorrow.
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