People's Budget
The Budget 2008:
Compiled by Dhaneshi Yatawara
Budget proposals, standing on the following four main concerns,
* Completing the major infrastructure development projects which are
already commenced within the next two to three years
* Priority to extend relief to the low income groups to address their
cost-of-living concerns
* Reawakening of local entrepreneurs
* Further strengthening the improvement of local products, were
delivered to the Parliament on Wednesday 07th of November 2007, by the
President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa.
[email protected]
Proposals on fuel prices
* VAT on petrol to be reduced to 5% from the existing 15% from
January 2008
* Remove the excise duty on Petrol - if the above measure will not be
sufficient against the rapid fluctuations of crude oil prices in the
world market. Kerosene prices will be maintained at the current existing
Rs.100 kerosene subsidy per month to Samurdhi and other low income
families who do not have electricity (Provisions already made) - A
limited quantity of petrol to three wheelers with meters (Government
proposes a loan scheme to enable to obtain such meters)
In order to recoup the revenue forgone, the President proposes to
change the taxes on liquor, motor vehicles and non essential imports
Change only the price of petrol in an appropriate manner
Proposals of Rice subsidy or the plantation sector and neighbouring
* An allocation of 200 million rupees to promote rice and rice flour
consumption among plantation sector and neighbouring Communities
* Setting up of Lak Sathosa and Co-op Society outlets ensuring the
success of this programme
* Proposal for a State Trading Wholesale Establishment
* A company owned by the Government to streamline supplies in order
to stabilize prices, to import essential commodities when required and
to maintain a buffer stock
* For such, the Budget proposes to avail of a bank guarantee to a
value of US$ 10 million to facilitate related imports
Proposals for concession for the fishery sector
* Provide financial assistance to facilitate a system through which
Fisheries Corporation purchases 19 identified varieties of fish at
guaranteed prices in the context of continuous rising fuel prices
* The VAT exemption granted to prawn farmers to improve the industry,
is proposed to be implemented with retrospective effect from 2004
* Allocation of an additional Rs. 100 million to complete housing
construction activities undertaken under the 'Diyawara Gammmana' Program
and also to expand this program islandwide
* To give priority to provide vessels for deep sea fishing through
the program undertaken by the Fisheries Ministry
Fertilizer subsidy
* Avail all varieties of fertilizer at Rs. 350 per bag for paddy
cultivation, and to avail Urea fertilizer at a concessionary price of Rs.
1,200 per bag for and owners owning less than 5 acres and Rs. 15,000
million is allocated to continue with this subsidy
* Encourage the use of organic fertilizer and Rs. 500 million has
been allocated to promote organic fertilizer production
* Popularize in a structured manner, the use of appropriate
carbonic/chemical mixed fertilizer over the long term, in place of
chemical fertilizer which is now being used
Proposals for the Environment Conservation Levy
President Mahinda Rajapaksa emphasized in his speech, "The damage
caused to the environment through air and water pollution and soil
erosion is estimated to be in excess of two percent of the GDP.
But the resources that we earmark for environment conservation is
grossly inadequate. I, therefore propose to introduce an Environment
Conservation Levy Act ensuring environment conservation. Individuals,
businesses or items considered as harmful to the environment will be
subject to this levy."
He further stated, "It is estimated to raise Rs.1,000 million from
this Environment Conservation Levy that will be introduced from 2008. I
also propose to allocate Rs. 150 million for Piyakaru Purawara and
Haritha Gammana Environmental Programs.
It is proposed to reduce around 3 million tones of Carbon emission
per year in Sri Lanka.
The associated foreign exchange earnings in line with the relevant
international conventions are estimated to be around Rs. 3,000 million.
I propose to set up a Sri Lanka Carbon Fund with the participation of
banks and private investors as shareholders to facilitate this process."
Proposals on strengthening the cooperative system
As the Cooperative system has contributed a unique service to the
society and especially gave a protection to the lower income groups,
A grant up to a maximum of Rs. one million to all the over 300
cooperative societies to modernize outlets to be able to distribute
essential commodities to consumers.
* To write off all long-term loans, interests due and all unpaid
taxes of Co-op societies
* Proposes that Cooperative Societies and associated rural banks will
become tax free enterprises in order to promote the distribution of
essential items at affordable prices.
* It is also proposed that all cooperative societies scattered
islandwide will be linked with Lak Sathosa outlets.
* The number of Lak Sathosa outlets to be expanded up to 200 with
immediate effect
* An allocation of Rs. 650 million is proposed to set up more Budget
shops in populated areas
* Proposals for the supply of essential commodities at concessionary
prices for low income groups
* Confine tax concessions only to Lak Sathosa outlets, Cooperative
Societies and Budget Shops
* Distribution of a welfare pack containing essential commodities as
tax free prices to low income groups through these outlets
Local milk production
* Increase the guaranteed price being paid to milk producers of milk
to Rs. 30 - 40 range per litre
* Credit facilities will be provided at concessionary rates for the
importation of milking cows, development of animal husbandry and to set
up small and medium milk processing centres
* Exempt milk and dairy products from VAT
- Grant concessionary loans to develop over 50,000 livestock farms in
Northern, North Central, Southern and Uva Provinces
* Strengthen the legal framework to prevent the slaughter of milking
cows and to increase the associated fine from Rs. 250 to Rs. 50,000.
* Allocate Rs. 100 million to set up cold storage facilities and milk
collection centres at provincial level
Welfare for the apparel sector employees
* Allocate funds from the income of the Board of Investment to
provide greater welfare facilities to employees in export processing
zones through the provision of better bus services, mobile police
services, medical facilities and by restoring street lighting and
maintenance of roads in the Katunayake, Seeduwa and Biyagama local
authority areas
Incentives for public servants
* All public servants will get a cost of living allowance of Rs.
2,500 from January 2008 and to Rs.2,875 from July 2008 in addition to
their monthly salary.
* Increase the Cost-of-Living allowance to pensioners.
* Allocate the required funds from the Treasury Miscellaneous Vote
Proposal to develop the domestic textile industry
* Exempt importation of yarn from VAT in order to encourage
production of high quality fabrics
* A cess of Rs. 50 per kilogram to be imposed on textile imports for
domestic consumption
National priority to address nutritional needs
* Implement an integrated program under the Ministry of Healthcare
and Nutrition using the allocations made to several ministries totalling
to Rs. 2,865 million to promote nutritional standard of pregnant and
lactating mothers as well as infants with the emphasis on those in the
eastern, estate areas as well as other difficult areas In addition to Rs.
1,650 million earmarked for school mid-day meal in 2008.
* In addition to the free nutritional food presently provided to
pregnant and lactating mothers, a further sum of Rs. 250 million has
been allocated to extend facilities required to promote breast feeding
and to provide infant milk powder at concessionary prices through child
and maternity clinics
* Increase the Social Responsibility Levy which is 1 percent to 1.5
per cent in support of further strengthening the National Action Plan
for children expect to raise an additional Rs. 1,000 million from this
Api Wawamu-Rata Nagamu (Green Revolution)
"Our country spends around Rs. 30 billion for the importation of milk
powder, sugar, vegetables, fruits and wheat flour.
As incentive to promote local production of these on a priority
basis, I propose to ensure high prices for such local products, by
providing safeguards from imports, availing seed and plant material and
extending technical support." - President Mahinda Rajapaksa stated in
his Budget speech.
* Restrict the income tax on interest of the Agricultural Credit
Guarantee Fund of Central Bank of Sri Lanka to 10 per cent, to further
promote and expand facilities extended under that scheme
* Implement an incentive scheme for agricultural extension and
research officers who are working in the field
* Allocate a further Rs. 300 million to strengthen the Api Wawamu -
Rata Nagamu' Program
* Remove VAT on local sugar and rice based products
* Strengthen the legal framework to prevent coconut lands in excess
of 5 acres from being blocked out and sold
Api Wenuwen Api fund
* Set up a fund by the name of 'Api Venuven Api' to ensure the
success of this program.
* All contributions to this fund as well as any income of the fund
will be tax free.
* - Allocate Rs. 750 million to develop necessary infrastructure for
these housing complexes.
Drug prevention programme
* The revision of Excise and Cigarettes tax after the presentation of
the Appropriation Bill is expected to increase a bottle of liquor by Rs.
35.00 and a cigarette by Rs.2.00
* This is expected to generate additional revenue of Rs. 7,700
* Increase the stamp duty on the renewal of liquor licence from Rs.
1,000 to Rs. 10,000
Neganahira Udanaya - Eastern development
* As a measure to encourage private investments in the Eastern
* A grant of a five year tax holiday for any investment over Rs. 50
million and generates employment for over 50 people
* Interest income on loans granted for such investments by the banks
be exempted from income tax and equipment and machinery imported for
such projects will be exempted from Custom Duties and VAT
Proposals for the gem and jewellery sector
* Export income arising from imported and thereafter cut and polished
to be exempted from income tax
* 50% of foreign exchange earnings of such exporters maintained in
bank accounts in Sri Lanka, to be permitted to be used for the
importation of required raw material
* The Central Bank of Sri Lanka to introduce a credit guarantee
scheme to encourage banking institution to extend credit to those 14
industrialists engaged in the Gem industry
* To popularize gem auctions, only 2.5% income tax will be charged
from the value realized from gem auctions conducted under the
supervision of the State Gem Corporation, in place of prevailing income
Proposals to develop domestic shipping industry
* In order to expand the international market for our products by
increasing the number of ships owned by local ship merchants,
* Purchase of a ship to be registered under the Sri Lankan flag to be
exempted from the Port and Airport Development Levy
* Ships being registered under the Sri Lanka flag will not be
considered as an import
* When such ships carry cargo, the freight charges to be used for the
purpose of computing Customs Duty to be limited to a 15% of the value of
cargo being carried
To promote Sri Lankan exports
Ports Authority charges for garments and other exports to be made
similar to the levies and charges structure prevailing in relation to
agricultural products
Development of small and medium scale industries
* Extend the tax free period that was availed to those importing high
tech machinery and equipment to enhance the production capacity of local
enterprises, till December 2009
* Grant concessionary loans subject to a maximum of Rs. 15 million,
at an interest rate of 10% for garment factories situated outside the
Colombo district
* Extend financial assistance at concessionary rates from the
National Co-operative Fund pertaining to project proposals submitted by
Co-operative Societies for production purposes in dairy, fishery,
livestock, textile and small and medium industries
Local film and teledrama industry
Set up a National Heritage Center using such funds with the
involvement of Tourism and Cultural Ministries with modern Training
Centres and Studios to promote talents of local film and tele-drama
* Extend tax concessions on the importation of essential equipment
required for the production of films and tele-dramas
* Increase tax relief granted on investments for production of films
from Rs. 25 million to Rs. 35 million
- Grant tax concessions up to Rs. 25 million for the construction of
high-tech modern theatres
Intellectual Property Sales Development Centre
* Allocate Rs. 50 million to Intellectual Property Fund to set up an
Intellectual Property Sales Development Center, to enable local
intellectuals, artists and inventors to Introduce their creations engage
in sales promotions as well as to hold discussions and seminars
Year Five Scholarships
* To increase the number of year 5 scholarships from 10,000 to 15,000
to facilitate education of children of low income groups
Proposal on graduate employment
* Including the 2,088 graduates who were recruited under the 'Tharuna
Aruna' program, steps have already been taken to recruit 15,000
graduates in 2008 by following a recruitment procedure and through exams
Development of lagging regions
* Extend the date to complete investment to qualify for a tax holiday
for investments in districts other than Colombo and Gampaha till March
* Treat expenditure incurred in the relocation of businesses outside
Colombo and Gampaha Districts as an unlimited qualifying payment for two
Project Management Department
Set up a new department in the Ministry of Finance and Planning
consisting of multidisciplinary experts in the field of law, business,
finance, engineering and project planning and to undertake overall
coordination and supervision of all project management staff.
Allocation of Rs. 50 million for the setting up of this Department.
Coordination between Provincial Councils and Line Ministries
* Implement a review mechanism targeting education, health, roads,
agricultural and irrigation sector activities, with the corporation of
relevant ministries and provincial agencies
* Work out with the provincial set up to introduce a road user fee on
vehicles to maintain the provincial road network