'Consumer Court' to provide redress
by Ananda Kannangara
The Trade Ministry last week decided to set up a `Consumer Court' for
the first time in Sri Lanka to protect consumers from errant traders.
The main objective of setting up a Court of this nature is to help
consumers to seek relief.
Trade, Marketing Development, Co-operatives and Consumer Affairs
Minister Bandula Gunawardane told the `Sunday Observer' that consumers
could seek justice from the `Court' for whatever complaints they make
against traders.
He said although a Consumer Protection Authority currently functions,
the `Consumer Court', which is to be set up in Colombo next year will
help consumers to solve their problems.
The Minister also said that there are a large number of complaints
from consumers against traders and owners of business enterprises in
regard to the quality of the items, purchased by them or the unfair
amounts charged for goods and selling fake and adulterated food items.
It is reported that many traders do not exhibit price lists in their
shops. |